The mesh Wi-Fi's master unit is divided into two routers connected by a modem and LAN cable, and a node connected by Wi-Fi to its router.The advantage of the mesh Wi-Fi is that the node can be installed anywhere as long as the power supply is removed.
メッシュWi-Fiルーターは、ルーターと2台目のメッシュWi-Fi親機であるノードを使い分ける。見た目は同じなので間違えないよう注意So where should the second mesh Wi-Fi main unit be installed?An important point is the distance from the router.
In the first place, the introduction of a mesh Wi-Fi should be because one Wi-Fi router does not reach or too weak.Then, the place where the node is installed is where you want to be near the place where the radio wave does not reach.
But this is a mistake.Because the router and the node are connected by Wi-Fi, just like connecting the router and the slave unit, if the distance is too far away, the radio waves will not reach.
For this reason, the node is placed at a distance where the radio waves from the router reach.You can see the desire to bring the radio wave as far as possible by releasing the distance of the node, but it is better to put the Wi-Fi radio range tightly connected with a node.
アプリ「ASUS Router」でルーターとノードの電波を確認。十分な電波が届いている「最良」にしたいAlso, between the router and the node, no matter how close the distance is, if there are shields such as doors and walls, radio waves will be difficult to reach.Even one door and one wall will change the degree of radio waves depending on the material and thickness.You can't tell how much distance and shields can be installed without any problems.
In the ASUS mesh Wi-Fi device, the radio strength between the router and the node can be confirmed by using the "ASUS Router" app for smartphones.It is a good idea to put a node in a place where you can get enough radio wave intensity, and even where you want to deliver radio waves.
距離が遠かったり遮蔽物があったりすると、電波が弱まる。「良好」とあるが、あまり良くない状態さらに電波状況が悪化すると「オフライン」と表示され、ルーターとノードの接続ができなくなるBased on this, let's consider a better installation location.Wi-Fi radio waves are affected by the shield, so it is best to see the master unit in a straight line from the slave unit.
Therefore, it is better not to put anything around the master unit as much as possible.If the place is low, it will often be hidden in furniture, so it is safe to install it as high as possible.
In a two -story building, the ceiling on the first floor and the floor on the second floor are large shields.If you want to deliver radio waves to another floor, it is better to install it as much as possible.The vicinity of the stairs and the atrium will be a candidate.
The structure of the house and the Wi-Fi usage vary depending on the environment, so if you imagine the ideal position in advance, you should not be troubled when installing.
However, you don't have to be too nervous.Mesh Wi-Fi can easily change the position of the node and add nodes.The good thing about the mesh Wi-Fi is that even if you install it on the about.