Even though it switched to a spare machine, what exactly was the service stop?

Even though it switched to a spare machine, what exactly was the service stop?

One weekday midnight, when the date changed.Tamura's smartphone, which is responsible for operating customer web services in the IT department of a financial service company, rang.According to an emergency contact from Kojima, who is in charge of disability, it is said that the portal for contractors cannot be accessed about 30 minutes ago.

Portals for contractors are the top pages of services where customers can browse contracts on the web.When I accessed it with a smartphone, the message of "Not Found" was certainly displayed.Tamura, who instructed Kojima to display the news of maintenance, opened his laptop and began to follow the background.

The first abnormality is an alert from a "service monitoring" tool that monitors the response of the portal for contractors.From around 23:30, it was unable to connect to the website.The problem is the cause.According to Kojima's report, the "system monitoring" tools that monitor servers and network devices detected a firewall abnormality at the same time.


If it is a simple device failure, the backup device will be automatically operated and the service will continue.Kojima, who is in charge of disability, instructs the resident staff of the data center to check the visual check in the rack, including unable to monitor the cable disconnection, and is heading to the site.

Portal for the contractor has been restored about 3:00 am nearly four hours after the stop.Tamura stroked his heart for the time being that Kojima and others could recover in the middle of the night, which was less useful.However, the cause of the service suspension of the service from Kojima was to make a new challenge in Tamura.

This is a trouble that has occurred in an online service, which is generally provided by a financial service company to customers.The original sale of this service is convenient to confirm the contractor information and change various procedures on the Internet 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.Suddenly, it became unusable, and some contractors received inquiries and anxiety.It was also a big pain for financial service companies, such as the need to respond to the Financial Services Agency, which is the supervision agency.

日経クロステック Activeは、IT/製造/建設各分野にかかわる企業向け製品・サービスについて、選択や導入を支援する情報サイトです。製品・サービス情報、導入事例などのコンテンツを多数掲載しています。初めてご覧になる際には、会員登録(無料)をお願いいたします。

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