It is impatient if the Internet that I always use suddenly becomes unusable.In such a case, I sometimes hear the words "Where and where is communication failure?"So what is this "communication failure"?We will explain the situation and countermeasures called "communication failure".
Table of table of contents What is "communication failure"?How to check communication failure information (breaking news)?What is the inquiry?summary
If it is an old -fashioned phone, if you do not connect, you will notify you from the telephone station that you will not be able to connect.The cause is often talking about the other party.In addition, when the telephone station exchanges broke down, the connection request was flooded at the time of a disaster or the moment of the new year, etc., the expected amount of communication was over.It will not be connected."Communication failure" on the Internet means that it cannot reach the target server and cannot obtain data processed from the server.Specifically, symptoms such as "not connected", "screen is pure white", "slower scrolling", "slow until the screen comes out", "Slow reply to messages and emails".
There is no notification like the "pupoo" sound on the phone, so the situation continues to be confused.The device that connects the Internet starts with a router, using optical cables and telephone lines from modem, ONU, and passing many devices, causing "communication failure" when they break down.
Separately, there is a "communication failure" called "slow".Many devices are relaying data, but if the server performance is low or the ability of relay equipment is low, it will be "slow" that is "slow".When the access starts on the ticket sales site, it can be said that it is a communication failure when the access is concentrated, and when it is connected, it is sold out.
If the shop guide homepage is introduced on TV or in Yahoo! JAPAN news, access may be concentrated and you will not be able to reach the information website.For the Internet management side, it is the same as a communication failure, so we struggle to respond.
There is also an attack.Vulnerability (bug) is attached to any OS or application.There is an update information to respond to vulnerabilities on a daily basis, but the NAT router may be left unchecked and may be used for attacks in remote operations from bad guys.Attack from tens of thousands of NAT routers that hijacked a large amount of data.The recent attack peak is about 1,000 times the maximum access, 2Tbps.Even if the server has received such an attack, the user can only know that it is a communication failure.
The fact that the net is not connected is either the failure of the communication device or the access concentration.Equipment failure is a problem on the NAT router, personal computer, and smartphone side with ONU as a border.
Access concentration is the other side from ONU = Internet side, the Internet side is a top -level telecommunications business company that manages domestic and overseas institutional networks that are contracted by provider business agencies, and the server that is trying to access it., The infrastructure of the data center with a server (network equipment, air conditioning equipment, power facilities, etc.) is involved.
Once you can't use the web application (cloud application) that you use on a daily basis, you will want to know the status of communication failure and recovery status.If you really have a communication failure, inquiries will be flooded and will not lead to a call center.When the communication failure is long, a bulletin will be issued on the "Communications failure notification site".Most of the support sites that provide communication disorders can withstand flooded access (let's introduce the mechanisms that can withstand access).
The recommendation is to search for "obstacles" or "trouble" on Twitter.Commuter train delays and earthquakes are often transmitted (called tweets).If you continue for a few hours, it will be reported on TV broadcasting.
If there is a power equipment trouble at the Kyushu data center, if it cannot be settled at a convenience store nationwide, or if a network equipment breaks down at a US data center, the rental bicycle cannot be returned, and recent cloud services cooperate around the world.It is often operated, and the range of impact is often unknown until communication failure occurs.
When a major obstacle = for a long time communication failure, searching for Twitter is a way to quickly know about communication failures.
The occurrence of long -term communication failures on the service provider is related to reputation, so we will respond to recovery in a short time.If you place facilities, personnel, and costs in advance, the disability will be reduced, and the recovery time will be reduced in case of things.As a countermeasure for the operator, we perform automatic switching of dual -densated facilities, monitoring 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, recovery procedures for disability, and training.Last year's Tokyo Olympics had a lot of obstruction access, but it was "nothing happened" with a pre -planned countermeasure.This is amazing.
Unfortunately, there is no way for ordinary people to know the disability area.A huge number of equipment is connected to the Internet, and how it is connected to the server and communicating is adjusted by the operator.It is a secret other than those involved, as only one company fails to switch routes, which can cause many communication companies for a long time.
If it is cut and where it is crowded, you can check the "Tracert" command if it is a Windows machine.Here, I will omit the detailed explanation, so if you want to know more, please check it out.
Communications usually recover in a few minutes.It may be a problem on the user side, so check the router you are using and wait.If you have a few hours of communication failure, access and check the provider's support page.
The Internet with a huge amount of equipment.Even if the device breaks down, it is like a living thing, which automatically changes the route to maintain communication.Correspondence disorders occur somewhere every day, from small communication disorders to communication disorders for more than half a day.Still, it is a great part of the Internet that you can communicate while repairing.
The Internet handle is Sugipooh.Apple believers from amateur radio, TK-80BS, PC-8001, Appleii, Macintoshplus.He first acquired a large storage, RAID and NAS development, web server development, and security standard ISO27001 (ISMS) in data centers.He is currently conducting an energy -saving data center research and development and a consultant for energy -saving data centers.
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