All you can use online in a car!Pay attention to "Wi -Fi router for in -vehicle" -Phile web

All you can use online in a car!Pay attention to "Wi -Fi router for in -vehicle" -Phile web

Speaking of a necessity for long -distance travel by car, "data communication". In the past, CDs and DVDs were widespread, but the mainstream is to enjoy music streaming services on smartphones. There is also a VOD service, so aside from drivers who cannot see aside, passengers will not be bored even during traffic jams. In such a case, the problem is the packet fee. In recent music streaming services, lossless/high -resolution distribution has appeared, and data communication has increased significantly. The VOD service is so good, and when you look at it in a row, it quickly exceeds Giga. It may be better to consider some measures. One method is to introduce a Wi-Fi router for in-vehicle. DOCOMO's network service "docomo in Car Connect" is used to use the Internet connection to an unlimited usage, and the usage fee is 1,100 yen/month (for 365 days plan). As of January 2022, only the Pioneer's "Carrozzeria DCT-WR100D" is sold as a Wi-Fi router for in-vehicle, but can be used by some Nissan vehicles.

車載用Wi-Fiルーターカロッツェリア「DCT-WR100D」車載用Wi-Fiルーターのいいところは、同乗者全員がインターネット接続使い放題の恩恵に預かれること。ドライバーと助手席はカーステレオで音楽ストリーミング、後席は自分のスマートフォンで動画ストリーミング、という使いかたをしてもインターネット回線は使い放題。渋滞にハマってもパケット代を気にする必要はありません。docomo in Car Connectでは24時間限定550円という1日プランも用意されているので、家族で遠出するときだけ使うという手もアリですよ。

クルマでネット使い放題!「車載用Wi-Fiルーター」に注目 - PHILE WEB