The latest Wi-Fi router is unwanted with light over giga on a slow net line

The latest Wi-Fi router is unwanted with light over giga on a slow net line


回線が遅いとほかを速くしてもムダ図1 回線が遅ければ、最新のパソコンやWi-Fiルーターを用意しても速度は出ない。本特集3回目図3、図4の調査で回線が原因で遅いことがわかったら、回線の乗り換えも検討しよう[画像のクリックで拡大表示]


図2 契約のプランや住宅の種類による配線方法の違いなどで、光回線の最大通信速度は変わってくる。より高速なプランに切り替えることで、ネットの高速化を図ることができる[画像のクリックで拡大表示]


For example, in the FLET'S Hikari optical line, which has many contractors, the maximum communication speed was only 200 Mbps for the initial plan.The current mainstream is a plan with a maximum communication speed of 1 Gbps, and even if you change it to it, the speed will increase significantly.

In the case of apartments such as apartments and apartments, the speed is greatly different between the optical wiring method that passes the optical fiber directly to the room and the VDSL method distributed to each room.Switching the VDSL system to the optical wiring system greatly improves speed.However, it is indispensable for the introduction of the light distribution system to pass the optical fiber in the shared part of the apartment house.In condominiums, the process of obtaining the consent of the majority of residents is often required, and the hurdles are high for individuals.

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