Archer C5400X is IEEE 802.TP-Link's first gaming wireless LAN router compatible with 11a/b/g/n/AC.5GHz band x 2 systems + 2.Equipped with a 4GHz band x 1 system, the maximum communication speed is up to 2,167Mbps for the 5GHz band, 2..Up to 1,000Mbps for 4GHz band.
"Beam Forming", which optimizes radio waves from antennas to the connection terminal, "MU-MIMO" that enables simultaneous communication with multiple terminals, "Air Time Fairness", which enhances the use efficiency of bandwidth, and wireless LAN connection range.It has a function suitable for modern wireless LAN circumstances, which often connect multiple terminals to routers, such as the "range boost" that expands, and has 80 available devices.
The router body is equipped with 8 detachable antennas.The connected terminal of the antenna uses a direct insertion terminal instead of a conventional screw -stop type.In addition to inserting it, it can be installed, and it is said that stability has improved more than the conventional type.
8本のアンテナを備えるトライバンド無線LANルーター「Archer C5400X」。 トライバンドと複数端末の接続に適した機能により、利用可能デバイスは80台に達している。着脱可能なアンテナは接続端子に直挿し式を採用した。TP-Linkによれば、この端子の採用によって取り付けやすさと安定性が向上したとしている。The ARCHER C5400X has 8 ports on the back of the main unit and a Gigabit LAN compatible wired LAN.In the 2nd and 3rd ports of the wired LAN, a "link aggregation" that bundles two GIGABIT LAN and speeds up is used.
In addition, a WAN port and a power switch on the back of the main unit.WPS, Wi-Fi and LED on and off buttons on the front of the main unit.USB 3 on the right side.It has 0 ports x 2.
本体背面。有線LAN×8、WAN、電源スイッチ、電源入力を備える。 有線LANポートの2番ポートと3番ポートはリンクアグリケーションに対応している。本体正面。WPSボタンの他、Wi-FiとLEDのオンオフボタンを備えている。 本体右側面。USB 3.0ポートを2基備えている。In addition, it has a "VPN acceleration" that speeds up the VPN connection up to 5 times, and a QOS function that adjusts the priority of communication.
ARCHER C5400X 1.Equipped with a very powerful hardware of quad -core CPU, three copro seders, and 1GB RAM that operates at 8GHz.As a result, a stable communication is realized even if a large number of devices are used at the same time.
Archer C5400XのQoS機能は、通信の優先度をアプリケーションまたはデバイス単位で調整できる。CPUには1.8GHzで動作する64bitクアッドコアCPUを搭載。この強力なCPUの処理性能により、多数のデバイスを搭載しても安定した通信を実現する。