Microsoft Office(以下、Office)は仕事や授業、あるいは日常に欠かせないアプリだ。PCとセットになったり、パッケージも用意されていたりするが、WordやExcel、Outlook、プレゼンテーションのPowerPointを含む「Office Home & Business 2019」(永続ライセンス、2台までのPCへのインストール可能)で3万8284円(税込み、以下同様)と値が張る。
In addition, if you have a database software Access and the 1TB of the 1TB of the cloud storage service "OneDrive", it will be about 1000 yen for 12,984 yen per year.
Even if you think that compatible products are good because of the cost, you will encounter the layout collapse that you did not predict, or the display in the font that the file creator did not intend, and eventually we will not introduce Office.I hear the story that I did not get.
If you need to get it anyway, it's better to be as cheap as possible.That's why I purchased the "Amazon Fire HD 10 Essential Set", which is available for the Office's subscription version "Microsoft 365 Personal 1 Year Edition" (hereinafter Microsoft 365) at the lowest price.
新型Fire HD 10とBluetooth接続のキーボードがセットになった「Amazon Fire HD 10 エッセンシャルセット」。Fire HD 10のボディーサイズは約247(幅)×166(奥行き)×9.2(厚さ)mm、重量は公称値で約465gあるStarting with the appearance of "Kindle Fire HD" from October 2012, Japan is now 7, 8, 10, 10..It sells a type 1 tablet "Fire series".On May 26, the latest 11th generation "Fire HD 10", "Fire HD 10 Plus", which supports wireless charging and has a powerful memory, was released.
The new Fire HD 10 and the Fire HD 10 Plus have a dedicated keyboard for the first time, albeit for third -party.In addition, even a Fire HD 10 essential set that combines the keyboard and the Microsoft 365 has appeared.
The 32GB version of Fire HD 10 costs 15,980 yen by itself.The dedicated keyboard "Fintie Bluetooth keyboard cover" bearing "Made for Amazon" costs 5980 yen, and the hardware price is 21,960 yen.And the essential set with a Microsoft 365 is 24,980 yen.Normally, the Microsoft 365 of 12,984 yen can be obtained just by adding about 3000 yen.It's too great and I can only think that something is bugging.
In addition, the price of the bargain sale "Prime Day", which is being held until 23:59 on June 22, has a price of 18,980 yen, which is 14999 yen off.It can be said that it is a price that exceeds the exceptional value.
The regular price of the Microsoft 365 (online code version) sold on Amazon is 10,000 2019 yen.I would like to supplement that it is different from the price difference of the Microsoft official website.
Thanks to the reservation in advance, the Fire HD 10 essential set arrived safely on the release date, but the only thing in the box was Fire HD 10 and the Fintie Bluetooth keyboard cover.rice field.OFFICE cards such as Office bundle version PC are not included.
When you launch Fire HD 10, you can see that the Microsoft Office Mobile app (composed of Word, Excel, PowerPoint) is pre -installed.The app is a Fire tablet app released to the announcement of the Fire HD 10 essential set.
Nevertheless, since it is the same "Office Mobile app" as the Android version, even if you do not buy Microsoft 365, anyone can use it for free if you download it from the application store (business is not available).If you only use it with a Fire tablet, there is not much taste.
新型Fire HD 10のホーム画面。Officeアプリがプリインストールされているのが分かるAfter all, I want to use this on other devices such as PCs.With Microsoft 365, Word / Excel / PowerPoint / Outlook / OneNote / Publisher / Access can be installed (Publisher and Access are only Windows versions), which can be installed on PCs, Macs, tablets and smartphones.。
Here, I'm worried about "Where is the product key to enable services?"Because it is an online code version, it does not mean that a card is in the box.Product key is not listed in the order procedure completion notification email.
So where can you check it?