On the 1st, BookLive Co., Ltd. started offering a "Browser Viewer (beta version)" that allows users to read e-books from a web browser on their e-book store service "BookLive!".
Supported browsers are browsers that support HTML5 such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer 9/10. Note that Internet Explorer 8 requires the add-in Google Chrome Frame. If it is a compatible browser, it can be used not only on Mac, but also on Windows PC, Android, and iOS browsers. BookLive! has started to support browser viewers for some .book and EPUB titles, and will gradually expand.
By using the browser viewer, you will be able to browse BookLive! e-books without the need to download or install an app, making it easier than ever to browse. Purchased e-books can also be viewed by simply logging into the BookLive! site and clicking the "Read" button from "My Bookshelf".
Also, while the app downloads the entire e-book file before reading, the browser viewer uses a streaming method to read the necessary pages while receiving them in order. You can start reading without waiting for the entire file to download. On the other hand, although it only supports reflowable e-books, it also has an "offline mode" function that allows you to save one volume of streaming data on your device in advance and view it offline even in places where radio waves are not available.