Sony Xperia also releases prototype to 5G # MWC2019

Sony Xperia also releases prototype to 5G # MWC2019

At MWC 2019, Sony finally announced the flagship smartphone Xperia 1 and the mid-range Xperia 10 and 10 Plus. However, there wasn't much mention of 5G in the announcement (apart from the flexible display and how to hide the notch). However, the company had released a 5G prototype at the booth.

According to Pocket-lint, the company barely mentions 5G smartphones, and it's safe to say that the prototype release at this booth was also used simply to show it to Sony's business partners. It's likely that consumers won't see it very often, but that's how it becomes an article ...

ソニーのXperiaも5Gへ、プロトタイプを公開 #MWC2019

The top photo doesn't have any design features, and it's unclear whether this will be the final product or Sony's 5G-compatible prototype. Not surprisingly, the device in question has a Snapdragon 855 and an X50 5G modem, and I'm not sure what else it has.

According to Sony's Adam Marsh, a member of the company's global communications team, the device in question is for 5G testing, not commercial products. "The product (the company) is used in consumer testing, network testing, and testing with specific key customers who are using it to perform empirical testing." That said, it's not hard to imagine Sony finally launching a commercial 5G smartphone. The Xperia 1 this time is Sony, which seems to be seen quite favorably in the recent Xperia, but it can not be said that it is truly "revived". I would like you to do your best to support 5G smartphones as soon as possible.

This article was translated and edited by the editorial department for Japan.

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