SIM Lock -free version of iPad's Melancholy -Mobile Watch Watch

SIM Lock -free version of iPad's Melancholy -Mobile Watch Watch

auのAQUOS PAD SHT22を使いはじめてから、少しずつ出動回数が減ってきていたAT&T版iPad mini RetinaディスプレイとVerizon版iPad Retinaディスプレイ(Verizon版iPad 4)。いよいよNTTドコモからもiPad/iPad miniが発売されることになり、「ドコモのLTEをつかめるのはSIMフリー版iPadだけ!」なんていう優越感(?)もなくなってしまった。そんな中、5月末日、SIMロックフリー版iPadを使うユーザーには、ちょっとした事件が起きてしまった。


On May 31, Apple has launched a "Career Settings (Career Profile) Update" for iPad's Wi-Fi + Cellular model.Career profile is a profile for writing setting information to connect to the network of each mobile phone operator.When tapped in the order of [General]-[Information] on the iPad setting screen, the carrier name and version name are listed in the [Career] column.Until now, the SIM card of the MVNO operator using the NTT DOCOMO network using the SIM rock -free version of the SIM rock -free version is "DoCoMo 16."0" was set, but in this update "DoCoMo 16.Updated to 2.

However, this update has created unexpected restrictions on the SIM rock -free iPad.For example, tethering is one of them.There is a column [Internet sharing] on the iPad setting screen, which was used, but the carrier profile was "DoCoMo 16.If you update to 2 ", this will not be usable.The same case has occurred for about six months on the iPhone 5s/5c, and tethering cannot be used even if the SIM card of each MVNO company is inserted into the SIM lock -free iPhone 5s/5c.

SIMロックフリー版iPadの憂鬱 - ケータイ Watch Watch

5月31日、筆者はたまたま、以前から利用していたVerizon版iPad 4を手に取り、キャリアプロファイルのアップデートを促すダイアログが表示され、素直に「アップデート」をタップしてしまった。今年購入したAT&T版iPad mini Retinaディスプレイの方は、幸い、この騒動に気付いた後だったので、アップデートはしなかった。このキャリアプロファイルのアップデートに伴う制限や動作確認の情報は、以前にもこのコーナーで紹介したIIJのエンジニアの方が執筆している「てくろぐ」でも解説されているので、詳しくはそちらを参照していただきたいが、個人的にはちょっとダメージが大きかった。

Because of the management of MVNO SIM cards, BB for Verizon version iPad 4 is currently BB..The Excite SIM card was inserted, but unlike IIJmio, the service does not distribute an APN configuration profile in -house, so set the information in the "LTE setting (optional)" field in the APN setting as it is.I can't.In other words, the update of this carrier profile has made it impossible to connect to LTE with Verizon version iPad 4 rather than tethering.IPad 4 that can not be used in 3G ...


After all, as described in "Tekurogu", if you put a full reset and display a carrier setting update dialog, tap "I don't do it now" to somehow return it to the original state.It was possible, but in the future, if an update to iOS 8 is implemented, the carrier profile will be rewritten inevitably, and it may be restricted not only for tethering but also for other parts.


Regarding this case, I saw a wrong writing on the Internet, such as "NTT DOCOMO version sold the iPad, so it broke the MVNO", but MVNO companies are customers and share for NTT DOCOMO.There is no need to do that even if you think about it.Although NTT DOCOMO provided information to Apple, Apple is developing a carrier profile, and Apple is developed by Apple because iOS and iPad are developed.The partner who should say, "Do you want to do something!"In fact, there are a few more stories, but that's another.

とまあ、そんなわけで、今のところはVerizon版iPad 4もAT&T版iPad mini RetinaディスプレイもLTEで接続され、テザリングが使えているけど、前述のように、今秋、iOS 8が提供されることを考えると、ちょっと憂鬱であることは確か。一方、SIMロックフリーという観点で見れば、AndroidタブレットもWindowsタブレットも3G/LTE対応モデルが少しずつ増えてきているし、アプリやネットサービスも拡がってきているので、iPadは自宅で使うなど、利用スタイルを変える時期に来ているのかもしれません。