This corner looks back on the nostalgic microcomputer and computer with photos.This time, Sharp will deliver the PC "X1turboz" released in 1986.
The X1turbo series, the top model of the X1turbo series released in November 1986, will appear a new model that enhances the AV function in December, one month later.That is the X1turBoz we took up this time.The housing design is the same as X1turboiii, but its contents have been greatly powered up.
In the OH! X (December 1986 issue) released at this time, "The title given to the top model of X1turbo is Z. The character of the Z is imprinted red after the X1turbo logo on the body and keyboard.It is one that was welcomed enough to be directly represented by the excitement, saying that it is beautiful! "
広告では“アートスタジオ・TurboZ登場”とのキャッチコピーとともに、8つの特徴がピックアップされていました。あわせて、一ヶ月前に発売されたばかりのX1turboIIIも掲載されています。The newly added functions from x1turboiii to X1turboz include multi -mode and compatibility mode.The multi -mode is a mode for accessing the multi -colored screen of analog color palette and graphics, and the compatibility mode is compatible with both the X1 series and the X1Turbo series and the soft hardware.
正面の蓋を開けると、各種コントロールスイッチが現れます。蓋の内側のスイッチは左から順に、取り込み映像調整つまみ、ボリュームつまみ、ミキシング調整、IPLリセットボタン、NMIリセットボタン、起動ディスクタイプの2D/2HD選択スイッチ、VTR録画モードスイッチ、200ライン自動切り替えストップスイッチ、標準/高解像度切換スイッチ。このほか、正面左側にはキーボード接続端子、右側にはマウスコネクタと電源ボタンを備えています。Focusing on the graphic side, it is now possible to create a new analog image board and instantly capture videos such as videos and TVs with a maximum of 4,096 colors (from advertising).A graphic tool "Z's Staff-Z" that supports a variety of import functions, such as inverted, inverted, and quantization processing that changes gradation, is included.
The display capacity is not only 4,096 colors at the same time with 320 x 200 dots, but also 2 pages of 320 x 200 x 64 colors, 640 x 200 x 64 colors 1 page, 640 x 400 x 8 colors.Modes such as one page are also available.In addition, by placing an expansion palette after the conventional 8 -color palette, in multi -mode, the software that has been released so far is 4,096 colors 4,096 colors/64 colors/8 colors, and 64 colors in 64 colors.The display of 8 colors is also possible.
背面にも、インターフェイス類がぎっしりと並んでいます。こちらは左に主電源スイッチがあり、その右は上段から映像入力、映像出力、映像調整、色合い調整、I/Oスロット×2となっています。この個体には、I/OスロットにオプションのFM音源ボードが搭載されていました。下段は左からデジタルRGB出力、TVコントロール、CMT、アナログRGB出力、拡張FDDコネクタ、ビデオカット、RS-232C、プリンタ、オーディオ出力(R/L)、ジョイスティック×2、ディップスイッチ、マウス、キーボードといった端子が並んでいます。In addition, the 8 -weighted stereo FM sound source OPM (YM2151) is standard equipment, enabling audio output of the L / R2 channel.And the FM sound source music tool "VIP", which is equipped with 200 tones, was also attached as standard.In addition, the price is reduced to 218,000 yen, despite the bundled dedicated mouse.Its body design is highly evaluated and won the 1987 Good Design Award the following year.
By the way, at this time, each company has released a variety of personal computers, and from the same Sharp, the super MZ V2 MZ-2531, NEC is PC-8801FH/MH, PC-9801VM21, PC-9801VX2, Fujitsu is FM777AV20/Fujitsu.40, MSX, such as FS-A1 and HB-F1, were fighting hot battles in the market.
ソフトも、T&E SOFTの『DAIVA』や日本ファルコムの『ロマンシア』、ハミングバードの『ラプラスの魔』、アルシスソフトウェアの『リバイバー』、日本テレネットの『夢幻戦士ヴァリス』など、非常にバラエティに富んだタイトルたちで賑わっています。それらのタイトルを遊べるような本体に人気が集まるわけですが、この時期に買おうとした人はさぞかし“どれにしようか?”と悩んだかと思います。
キーボード左下には、X1turboの文字に続いて赤く輝くZが見えます。もちろん、X1turboのキーボードなども使えますが、やはりお揃いにしたいものです。左側面手前には、A/Bモードの切り換えスイッチがあります。As an aside, at the same time, the modem unit CZ-8TM2, which is "full double, 300/1,200bps" from Sharp, has been released for 49,800 yen.At this time, it was time when PC communication was gradually becoming popular, so I guess some people purchased it at the same time as the main unit.