SF wolf action "AMONG US" is fun for both Imposters and crews

SF wolf action "AMONG US" is fun for both Imposters and crews

 This time, I will introduce the science fiction waswolf action game "AMONG US".The price is 480 yen for Epic Games Store and 520 yen for Steam.In addition to PCs, it is also distributed to Nintendo Switch and iOS/Android, and will be released on Xbox and PS4/PS5 in the future.

 Crews gathered in closed spaces such as spaceships.Among them, a small number of "imposters" are mixed, trying to deprive the crew's lives, so the purpose is to find someone and expel it.The number of people is only multiplayer for 4 to 10 people, and there are no solo plays such as CPU battles.

 Here is a brief explanation of the "wolf game" that is the base of this work, which is a conversation game where multiple people gather in real life.The rules of the base are the same, and the goal is to explore the wolf in the villagers from conversation and expel them by voting.Its history seems to be old, and there is already a game called "Mafia" in 1986, where citizens and mafia are competing, and "you are a wolf?"A WEREWOLF?) The game was released in the United States in 2001, which seems to be based on this.

 In the daytime, a voting event occurs at a certain period of time, and the voting is determined by a large number of voting.If all wolves are expelled from the village, the game will end at that stage and will win the villagers.Conversely, if a wolf remains after this voting, the surviving wolf can kill the villagers in the middle of the night.If the wolf survives without being expelled by the villagers, the wolf will win.

 In the case of a real wolf game, talk and reasoning are important anyway.In some cases, the position is prepared, and it may trigger a conversation, but in any case, you can only search for a wolf from the conversation, so those who are not good at conversation are suspected of being suspected of being the first to vote.turn into.On the other hand, those who have too many words may be one of the attractions, as they may be suspected of sophistry and may be eligible for voting.

 Such exchanges in such talks are the charm of the "wolf game", but how are this sublimated as a game?Let's try playing "AMONG US" immediately.

SF人狼「Among Us」のタイトル画面

 On the title screen, you can select "local" that can be played within your colleagues, such as a home LAN environment, and "online" that can be played with other players on the Internet, and one other manual and one map in the game.There is also a "free play" that can be played in.

 The operation of this work is only mouse or mouse+keyboard operation, and at this stage there is no controller operation in the PC settings.In the keyboard operation, the character can be moved by the cursor key or WASD, and in the case of mouse operation, the character can be moved by moving the mouse while clicking.Various actions such as mini -games on the screen, "report", "use", "kill", and "sabotage" can be performed by clicking the button on the screen with the mouse.The graphic settings are simple, as well as the resolution, on/off of full screen, and vsync on/off.

 You can set your character in the lobby before the game starts.You can set colors, hats, skins, etc., but if you participate in the game online, you may not have enough time in the lobby.If you want to consider the character settings carefully, it is better to set up your own lobby by hosting "local" and set the character here.Or, even if you actually set up a host online, the default will start private, so it is ant to set the character in this state.


 In this work, all players are set to board spaceships as crews.Among them, not only the pure "crew", but also the "impostor" that eats a crew will secretly board as a crew.The crew is a villager in a wolf game, and the impostor is a wolf.

 Impostor (IMPOSTOR) is written as it is without translating the English name, but in terms of meaning, it refers to a scammer, Peten.Whether you belong to an impostor or a crew is randomly assigned at the start of the game, so after the start of the play, the game progresses without knowing who is the person except for the person and the imposter.

 Inoposters take the life of the crew so that they are not barred by other crews, eventually survive, and if they exceed the number of crews, they will win, and if they are expelled before killing the crew, they are expelled.You will be defeated.

 If you participate in a real game, you can set up the conditions such as map selection, number of imposters, and language used in chat, and search for hosts that can be played now.In this kind of online game, your own abbreviations are often used, so if you check these abbreviations in advance, you can easily participate in English chat hosts.


 Here are some unique points of this work.The crews have their own missions to do in addition to searching for imposters.It is everyday work such as maintenance in the spaceship.All of these are a little mini -game, and the crews need to clear these missions besides discovering imposters.

 The mission is prepared individually by all the crews, and the overall progress rate is displayed at the top of the screen.In the map display prepared for this work, the configuration inside the ship and the points to handle the player mission are displayed.In addition, information such as the position of the player on the ship can be seen from the terminal in the management room.

 Because of this, there is a "free play" for understanding the structure of maps such as inside the spaceship and practicing mini -games in various places solo.


 In addition to killing the crew, the imposters can set up a "sabotage" that hinder the crew's mission by setting up the spaceship on purpose.In addition, a warp action can be performed, such as moving to another place instantly through the duct on the ship.

インポスターもクルーも楽しいSF人狼系アクション「Among Us」

 And the members on the ship, both crews and imposters, can immediately convene the corpse as soon as they find a corpse.Even if you do not find a corpse, you can call it even if you use an emergency convenient button installed in the cafeteria.For example, even if no one is killed, it is possible to vote from sightings other than the corpse, such as when witnessing an impostor that uses the duct or an obvious player in the sabotage.


 When an emergency call is activated, all crews are forcibly called to cafeteria, where meetings and voting are held.The meeting is held in text chat, where each one can share witness information and make excuses for it.You can also vote in parallel with this chat.

 Eventually, the crew, which was finally selected by the voting majority vote, is thrown out into the sea of space regardless of whether it is an impostor.After being expelled, if all imposters are gone from the ship, the crew victory will be confirmed on the spot.Also, if the number of people on the Imposter side exceeds the crew, the impostor will win at that point.Depending on the settings, it may be displayed here whether the expulsion was expelled.


 At first glance, the impostor looks very advantageous, such as killing a crew, making a warp and hindering.But Imposter is very severe because he has to kill the crew so that other crews are not suspected.It is a small number of people and one -shot game, and if even once, the impostor side will be overwhelmingly disadvantageous at that point, so it is troublesome that you can not kill it very easily.

 Anyway, the impostor cannot win not to reduce the number of crews, so it is difficult to kill the crew so that other crews do not barre or be suspicious.

 Furthermore, if the crews finish all the missions mentioned above, the crew will win at that stage.In addition, there is a cool time to kill the impostor crew, and there is a mechanism to kill other crews for a certain period of time, right after an emergency call or immediately after killing someone crew.。For this reason, it is also an excellent point of this work that the warrior play, such as killing all crews continuously before the emergency call is activated, has been deterred on the system.


 Let's briefly introduce the actual play.I was able to play all the way, but it seems that many people are chosen because they are completely random, so many people are not easily selected.

 What I actually play when I play is that this work is the same as the original wolf, and the skill of text chat that does not conversation greatly influences the development of the game.Especially when playing in Japanese chat, the spectacle of misunderstood crews as the algae of the universe from the skillful textbooks, even if they were damaged, "Do not do it.I was impressed.

 In addition, "AMONG US" is an impression that it is easier to play than the head of the wolf due to the clear characteristics of the game.For example, in the room where I participated, there was a discussion of content, such as where and who found it, and who saw it around in the urgent call that found the corpse.In this work, the color of the character is forcibly unique, so it is important to call each other in color, but it is important to check this information.

 For example, an impostor, who passed the corpse, passed a light blue player, and later an emergency call was triggered by light blue that found a dead body.The chat here, of course, was blamed for the writer who passed the corpse, and as a result of the voting, I became an algae trap in the universe, but depending on the way of chatting, it is possible to impose allegations on light blue.That's it.

 If you think about it later, you may think that it would have been nice to say, "I killed the light blue and reported it myself (also called a self)", but I can think of it in various ways, but I can do this with a quick decision.The point that is one of the points is interesting.Also, even if a person who is not good at chat becomes an imposter, in this situation, for example, it is not suspicious, for example, ambushing near the corpse, killing light blue on the spot, or escaping far away using a duct.There are many ways to do it.


 In this work, it will remain on the ship after death, and will continue to continue missions and perform sabotage.In the case of emergency calls, you can enjoy chatting the dead, and the talk here is also interesting.One of the attractions is that it is devised so that it can be enjoyed as soon as it is killed or expelled.

 In addition, the host can set the game in this work, but this setting will change variously.For example, the cool time before the impostor can kill the crew is 45 seconds by default, but the more you lower it, the more the impostor works.In addition, it is interesting that such adjustments can change the sense of play, such as adjusting the size of the visual range of crew and impostors.

 Regarding the voting, it is possible to select anonymous or public, and it can be used in the case of inferior information, such as who voted if it was released, and on the other hand, fake voting (multiple in -in).If you have a poster, you will be confused by other crews, depending on the settings, and the range of play will change greatly depending on the settings.

 In this way, it is interesting to gather and play in this work, and it is finished as a very easy -to -play science fiction wolf that can talk about people who do not know at all.

 The work is scheduled for a large update within 2021, and has announced that it will increase the number of simultaneous players to up to 15 people at the same time.Along with that, new coloring such as rose, gray and tongue will be added, new maps will be added and new game mode "Hide N 'Seek Mode" will be added, so even more play.There is no doubt that the width of it will expand and the fun will double.

 In addition, you can buy skins and pets separately as customization elements, so it is a good idea to build your own characters and play around in various rooms.It was distributed free of charge at the Epic Games Store in the first week of June, so it seems that many people have obtained it, so the number of active players is currently increasing considerably, but even if you purchase it, the main unit is very much around 500 yen.For cheap, please buy it and play with friends, or participate in the open room and enjoy it.

もう1つの実例を挙げておこう。こちらは逆にインポスターの話術に騙されてこちらがハメられた時の話だ。電気室にてオレンジとすれ違う。この時オレンジは健在だ電気室を出る時、その後から水色とピンクが部屋に入っていったが、ここでピンクがオレンジの死体を発見、緊急招集がかけられたのだ!後から冷静に動画を追えばどう見ても犯人は水色だこれだけ明確に目撃していながら、筆者は3人の色をすべて記憶できていなかった。そのため、後から入った2人のどちらかがインポスターなのは明白ながらも、それが伝えられずについゴモゴモした言いわけのような発言になってしまったのだこうなると逆にこちら側にインポスターの疑惑が振られてしまうのだ。何しろ最後に会ったのは自分ということになってしまうわけで、それに対する疑いを晴らせないまま投票……哀れ、無実のインポスターとして宇宙に放り出されてしまったのだった……その後のチャットでは、水色に殺された黒と死者同士のトークが盛り上がる水色のプレイは非常に隙がなく、最終的に今回は水色たちインポスターの勝利となった目指すのはインポスターの勝利だ! ちなみに今回の日本語チャットの部屋では、管理室を「アドミン」、電気室を「エレキ」といった略語で呼んでいた。この辺も共通の略語があるのかもしれないので、プレイ前に調べておくとよさそうだ

 Regarding the operating environment, this work is so lightweight that you can easily play with a notebook PC with some specifications.Actually, the operation was verified with "ThinkPad X1 Nano", but it worked without any heavy.The frame rate keeps around 60fps and can always play comfortably.

 Regarding the GPU load, it was about 20-40%for both 2K resolution play and 4K resolution.There is no doubt that it will work without any problems even if the 3D performance is not high.

 This work is a multiplayer game, so if you carry it around, there is a risk that packets will be exhausted by data communication, etc., but on the go, etc., you can understand the arrangement of spaceships on the go and practice mini -games.There will be some ways to enjoy.

スペック要件OS:Windows 7 SP1以上CPU:SSE2拡張命令セット対応RAM:1GB今回プレイした環境(1)CPU:Core i7-1160G7RAM:DDR4 16GBGPU:Intel Iris Xe Graphicsストレージ:256GB SSD(NVMe/PCIe)今回プレイした環境(2)CPU:Ryzen 5 3400GRAM:DDR4 16GBGPU:GeForce GTX 1660(6GB)ストレージ:TS256GMTE220STigerLake環境でのゲームプレイ中のグラフの様子。フレームレートは60fps張り付きでGPU負荷は20%前後。CPU負荷の方が高いのはブラウザなどが起動していた事も影響しているRyzen 5 + GeForce GTX 1650環境でのゲームプレイ中のグラフの様子。4K解像度であってもGPU負荷はフルHDなどと比較して殆ど変化がなかった。フレームレートは60fpsが上限のようでこれ以上に上がることも下がることもなく快適動作だ