Filling electricity Nematic LCDs are a new concept LCD that has been reported in recent years, and has been reported with a ratio of more than 10,000, the largest organic molecule.However, the origin of this fantastic electricity was still unknown, and the possibility of application was unknown.
This time, the research team responds to visible light and changes the ratio rate of about 100 times in a very simple method of adding a small amount of organic molecules with light response to the material of the ferrous nematic liquid crystal.developed.Furthermore, it was shown that a photo capacitor element was made using this material, and the capacity capacity could be greatly controlled and controlled.
This study was published in the online scientific magazine "Nature Communications" (March 3rd ︓ Japan 3rd 3rd).
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Imaging elements such as digital cameras, solar cells, and light detection sensors are often used with materials and elements that respond to light.There are various principles in these materials and elements, for example, semiconductor, such as the element that responds to the light called "photo register" that gives light response and changes the electric resistance, and a diode element that generates electricity called "photo diode".Some materials are used (Fig. 1).On the other hand, there are elementary capacitors that store and release electricity, but there are not many cases of reporting of "photo capacitors" that can respond lightly, and the existing photo capacitors have not changed significantly due to light response.
Azo-Fを添加した強誘電性ネマチック液晶は、波長500~550ナノメートル(nm、1nmは10億分の1メートル)の緑色の光を照射すると比誘電率が減少し、波長400~450nmの青色の光を照射すると比誘電率が増加した。Azo-Fを4%混合した強誘電性ネマチック液晶では、光照射前の比誘電率は最大値で約18,000(εmax)だったが、緑色の光(波長525nm、180mW cm-2)を30秒照射することで、最小値で約200(εmin)まで下げることができた(図3A)。この状態に青色の光(波長415nm、7mW cm-2)を30秒照射すると、比誘電率は最大値である18,000にほぼ戻り、このときの比誘電率の変化率(εmax-εmin)/εmaxは99.5%にも達した。この変化率は、光だけでなく熱や電場など各種外部刺激に応答する従来の誘電体[1]材料の中で最大である(図3C)。
In addition, by alternately irradiating green and blue light, this change could be repeated, and it was possible to repeat it many times (confirmed up to about 100 times) (Fig. 3b).As for the response time, the same change was obtained in less than a few seconds by using stronger light such as lasers.
Since the anti -electric nematic liquid crystal has a fluidity, it can spread between the electrodes simply by sandwiching between a flat electrode, and a parallel flat plate capacitor can be configured.Since the power storage capacity of the ideal capacitor is proportional to the ratio rate, the capacitor using a ferrous electric nematic liquid crystal has about 1000 times larger than the case where the normal nematic LCD is sandwiched in the same way.Hold (Fig. 4).
そこで、平坦なITO電極に光応答性強誘電性ネマチック液晶を挟んだだけの「液晶セル」と呼ばれるシンプルな原理デバイス(電極面積50mm2、電極間距離17.8 Micrometer [µm, 1 µm is 1,000/000]) confirmed that light control could be lightly controlled from about 4 nanofarads (NF, 1NF in 1 billionth of 1 billion) (Figure 5).。The absolute value of the capacitance varies depending on the area and distance of the capacitor electrode, but despite the simple element that the material is sandwiched between the electrodes, the electrostatic capacity is NF to µF (1 µF is 1,000th, 1 million Fald).It is considered that it is an industrial advantage that it is in the same range as a widely used practical capacitor.
さらに、実用状態に近い電気回路での動作を確認するために、このフォトコンデンサを電気発振回路[13]へ組み込み、光照射下での動作を調べたところ、100Hz~8.The oscillation frequency could be changed in the range of 5kHz.Since this frequency is within the hearing range of humans, by connecting the oscillation circuit to the speaker, the change in the oscillation frequency can be regarded as a high and low change in sound (see video).100Hz ~ 8.The operating frequency range of 5kHz corresponds to the change in capacity of 4NF to 360NF above, but the operation limit frequency is considered to be outside this.Therefore, it shows that at least this range operates as a normal capacitor and can be controlled freely by light.
The light response nematic liquid crystal, which has been realized this time, can be expected to realize various optical elements unprecedented due to its exceptional light response.The photo capacitor shown as an example can be a simple structure, but it can run between high -capacity and low -capacity status by light irradiation, so a new electrical element, such as a storage device that can freely change the output power according to the power demand.It can be an element technology of.
In this study, the material that requires heating was used, but the ferrous electric nematic LCD that can be used at room temperature has already been developed, and a photo capacitor that operates at room temperature can be realized by using it.Furthermore, since the basic element structure is the same as the liquid crystal display, there is a possibility that existing LCD technology and industrial base may be used.