ENHANCED OPEN shares the key for encryption using a mechanism called "Diffie-Hellman key exchange" when devices such as PCs and smartphones connect to access points and communicate with Wi-Fi.
In the Diffie-Hellman key exchange, even if a third party has stolen the exchange for key exchange on the communication route, the third party cannot finally know the key key.Devices and access points such as PCs and smartphones use this mechanism to share the key and encrypt communication.
ENHANCED OPEN generates keys for encryption for each device.For this reason, you cannot use the keys you use on your device to decrypt and steal other devices.
Since Enhanced Open has no mechanism for authenticating users, it is necessary to note that anyone can connect to access points and encrypt communication contents in Enhanced Open and perform communication.
Enhanced Openに対応した、バッファローのフリーWi-Fi専用導入キット「FS-M1266」。壁掛けや天井への設置が可能連載『“Wi-Fiの困った”を解決できる便利ワザ』についてスマホをWi-Fiに接続する方法は? Wi-Fiがつながらない原因と解消法は? Wi-Fiルーターの選び方は? この連載では、これからWi-Fiを導入する人や、Wi-Fiを導入しているがトラブルを抱えている人に向けて「Wi-Fiの基本」や「トラブル解消のテクニック」をQ&A形式で解説していきます。