In Apple's "iPhone 4S", the display of the communication carrier suddenly turned into "fraudulent SIM", and it has been reported intermittently since its release.This phenomenon suddenly occurs on the iPhone 4S used, and even in the sleeping iPhone 4S, no call for telephone calls.Of course, you will not be able to send and receive emails using 3G packet communication, browse websites, and send and receive application data.It is said that it will happen to people who do not pull out the SIM after purchase.
In this state, it does not return in the in -flight mode on / off, etc., but press the power key and turn off the power once, and then turn on the power again to return to the normal state.many.However, there are reports that they did not recover without resetting the settings.
Twitterなどで「不正なSIMです」を検索すると、この現象がau版iPhone 4Sユーザーに多く起きている様子が確認できる。Appleサポートコミュニティでもこの現象についての書き込みがある。ただau版iPhone 4S固有の問題ではないようで、ソフトバンクモバイル版のiPhone 4Sでも同様の現象は報告されている。また米国でも、AT&T版やVerizon版、Sprint版のiPhone 4Sで同じく「Invalid SIM」と表示される現象は話題になっている。iOSのバグではないか、との指摘もあるが、原因は明らかになっていない。
If the display of "fraudulent SIM" occurs frequently and has hindered daily use, consulting with Apple Store or Career Shop for the time being will be a shortcut to solving problems.The Apple Store and Career Shops may be dealing with replacement of Micro SIMs, and it has been reported that the situation has improved.Apple Japan states that this matter is "currently confirmed."