Information that can identify individuals
As a general rule, the department does not collect PIIs for customers unless the customer chooses to provide such information to the Company when the customer accesses our website.Submit PII from our website is optional.By doing so, you are giving permission to use information for the specified purpose in the department.However, if you do not provide specific information, the department may not be able to provide the desired services.
If you choose to provide PII on the website of the department, you can use that information to provide requested information and services by using that information, such as entering the web form or transmission of email.I will respond.。The information we may receive from you depends on what you do when you visit our site.
Generally, the information requested by the department is used to answer your inquiry or provide the services you need.If this information is requested, the reason for collecting it, the explanation of the purpose of use in the information department, the method of agreeing to the use of the information provided, and the consent other than the legally obligatory use.The method of giving is "privacy notification" which is customized individually.This customized privacy notification can be accessed from a hyperlink (link) that appears on the web page that collects information or is displayed immediately above or just below the information request.
Many of our programs and websites enable you to send us e -mail.We will respond to inquiries based on the information provided.General information is sent only by email.Note that e -mail is not always safe for interception.Therefore, it is recommended that you do not send highly confidential personal data (such as social security number) by e -mail.If the target e -mail communication is very confidential, or if it contains information such as bank accounts, credit cards, social security numbers, etc., you need to send it by mail in the United States.Another alternative is to send data via a safe web page if available.
Federal Recording Law (44 U.S.C.The e -mail messages that meet the definition of 3101 or later are covered by the same disposal schedule as all other federal records.This means that if the e -mail you send to us meets the definition of the federal record, those emails will be stored and maintained in various periods.An electronic message that is not a record will be deleted if it is no longer needed.
The category of information collected by the department on the website is further explained below.
Automatically collected information
We collect and temporarily store specific information on your visit to use only for site management and security purposes.This information is collected and analyzed to help design the website more appropriately according to your needs.In addition, if a known security or virus threat occurs, information on the displayed Web content may be automatically collected.This information includes the following:
1.Internet domain that accesses our website (for example, if you use a private Internet access account "."COM" and "Yourschool" when connecting from the educational domain.Edu ").
2.Internet protocol (IP) address (the unique number of each computer connected to the Internet) to access our website.
3.Browser types used to access this site (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.).
4.Operating system (Windows, Mac OS, UNIX, etc.) used to access this site.
5.Date and time accessed this site.
6.Universal resource looper (URL) or address on the accessed page.
7.Username if used to log in to website.When
8.If you access this website from another website, the URL of the transfer site.
In order to quickly handle customer demands or transactions, as needed, in the case of public affairs, employees or representatives, other federal governments, or other nominated representatives.The above information may be shared with the person.This information is used only to make this site more useful.Raw data logs are temporarily retained as needed only for security and site management.For more information on how to share information, see Privacy Act Systems ofRecordsnotisses.
Third -party website and application
The department uses social media websites and other types of third -party websites. The bureau uses social media websites to interact with foreign supporters and conduct public diplomacy around the world. Social media websites are used to advertise the embassy and department events and interact with ordinary people overseas. The department also uses web measurement and customization technology to measure the number of visitors to our website and its various sections, and use it to make our website more useful for visitors. increase. In such cases, third -party applications may require email addresses, usern names, passwords, and geographical places (states, regions, zipples, etc.) for the purpose of account registration. The Ministry of State does not use a third -party website to collect PII from individuals. Pii, which is passively collected (that is, not requested) by the third -party website, is not transmitted or saved by the department. Unless it is requested by the purpose of the law or law, PII will not be disclosed, sold, or transferred to other entities outside the department.
The department uses various types of online surveys to collect opinions and feedback from visitors' random samples.Mainly, state.GOV is a continuous use of the AmericanCustomer Satistomer SATISFACTION INDEX (ACSI) online survey in ForeResults..Get feedback and data on visitors' satisfaction on the Govweb site.In this survey, PII is not collected.A survey invitations will be displayed for visitor random samples, but this is an option.Even if you refuse the survey, State.You can access the same information and resources as those who have investigated on the GOV site.The survey report requires this information to perform duties.Only GOV managers and other specified staff are available.Division may use other -time surveys for specific purposes.These surveys are explained at the time of posting.
State Department is State.It keeps data on the ACSI survey results as much as needed to support the GOV website mission.
部門のグローバルパブリックアフェアーズビューロー(GPA)は、Govdeliveryサービスを使用して、自己購読ユーザーに電子メール速報メッセージを配信します。 GPAのグローバルWebプラットフォームオフィスは、部門のGovdeliveryサービスのエグゼクティブエージェントとして機能し、部門の誰が電子メール速報の送信、トピックの作成または削除にアクセスできるかを制御します。
Govdeliveryは、Webベースの電子メールサブスクリプション管理システムであり、一般のメンバー(ユーザー)がwww.state.govのニュースや情報をサブスクライブできるようにします。 Govdeliveryユーザーは、関心のある特定のトピックを選択します。そのトピックに関する情報が部門によって利用可能になるたびに、そのトピックをサブスクライブしたユーザーは電子メールを受信します。ユーザーのサブスクリプションプロファイルは、ユーザーの電子メールアドレスと、電子メールの更新を受信するトピックで構成されます。ユーザーは、希望する種類の情報を正確に受け取るためにサブスクリプションプロファイルをカスタマイズおよび管理でき、いつでもサブスクリプションをキャンセルできます。
部門のGovdeliveryシステムを利用しているユーザーは、部門とやり取りする際にプライバシー保護を期待しています。ユーザーが提供したメールアドレスのみを使用して、Govdeliveryシステムでユーザーが選択したトピックに関連するメールメッセージを送信します。 Govdeliveryサービスを次の目的で使用することはありません。1)ユーザーが選択したトピックに関連しない電子メールメッセージを送信する。 2)Information that can identify individualsを積極的に探します。 3)プライバシーオフィスからの免除なしに、Information that can identify individualsを検索または検索します。ユーザーがInformation that can identify individualsを部門のGovdeliveryシステムに投稿または送信する範囲で、法令、大統領命令、または規制によって承認された目的を達成するために必要な最小限の金額を使用します。
Information collected for tracking and customization (cookie)
Cookie is a small file that the website transferred to a computer so that websites can remember specific information about sessions during the connection.Your computers share information in cookies only with websites that provide them, and other websites cannot demand it.There are two types of cookies:
Session: Session Cookie lasts only while the web browser is open.When the browser is closed, cookies are deleted.The website may use session cookies for technical purposes, such as improving navigation on the site or customizing dialogue settings with the site.
Permanent Cookie: The permanent cookie is stored in a user's hard drive, determines the first user or the returning user who uses the site, and blocks regular invitations for FORESEE satisfaction survey.。
If you do not want to save session cookies or permanent cookies on the machine, you can turn cookies on the browser.You can continue access to all information and resources on the website of the department.However, turning off cookies may affect the functions of websites in some departments.Note that disabling cookies in a browser also affects the use of cookies on all other websites you access.
The department is very serious about all PII security.We are taking precautionary measures to maintain the security, confidentiality, and integrity of the information collected on this site.Such measures include access control designed to limit access to information to the extent necessary to achieve our mission.In addition, various security technology is used to protect the information stored in the system.We regularly test security measures and make sure they are operational and effective.
Perform the following steps to protect the collected information.
Use internal access control to confirm that only those who can access your information need to access it to carry out public affairs.
Train the appropriate person in charge of privacy and security policies and compliance requirements.
Protects the area that keeps the copy of the information online collected online.
Perform regular backups of information collected online to prevent losses.
Use technical management to protect information collected online.This includes the following, but is not limited.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
Password protection
Test the security procedure regularly to check the personnel and technology compliance.
Use external access safe guards to "hack" or to prevent unauthorized access by outsiders trying to "hack" and try to harm them.
We use the same high criteria for ensuring the security, confidentiality, and consistency of personal information that can be accessed in the process of completing the category, the contractor and other third -party providers.Keep it.
Interaction with online children
The department is working on the protection of children's online privacy.The Child online Privacy Protection Law (COPPA) applies information collected online for children under the age of 13 or children under the age of 13.Before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from a child under the age of 13, you need to be able to verify from your child's parent or guardian.Division's website aims to collect information about children under the age of 13, and the information and instructions required for Coppa are provided by a specific web page that collects information about children.The web page accurately specifies what the information is used for, who sees it, and how long it is retained.
Access to other websites
Our websites include links to international organizations, private organizations, and some profit organizations.These websites may not be under our management and do not comply with the same privacy, security, or accessibility policy.When you link to another site, the policy of the site is applied.However, all federal government's website is subject to the same federal government's policy, security, and accessibility obligations.Additional information is described in the external link policy and disclaimers of the department.
Privacy policy contact information
If you have any questions about our privacy policy or the use of your information, we look forward to feedback.Division's privacy constituent material is available in privacy impact evaluation (PIA) and recording system notification (SORN).For more information about our privacy policy, Ilikeelectronics.Please contact WebSite or contact the next address by e -mail.
Updated July 1, 2022