NTT Plala has been outsourced on July 2 for a server of NTT Ti Logisco (NTT Logisco, Ota -ku, Tokyo), which has been unauthorized access, and has leaked up to about 8 million personal information.It was announced that there was sex.
What may have leaked is a receiver (STB) and HDD for the video distribution service "Hikari TV" and "Hikari TV for Docomo" delivered by NTT Logisco from August 13, 2009 to June 28, 2009., Router for telecommunications services, delivery address, name, phone number, STB ID, Hikari TV contract number, etc.Credit card numbers and account information are not included.
In response to the situation, NTT Plala stopped all delivery business outsourced to NTT Logisco.All NTT Plala's commercial server managed by NTT Logisco has stopped.NTT Logisco has taken measures such as blocking the server from the network and changing the password of all terminals used for business.
Unauthorized access was discovered around 9:10 am on June 30.It is said that the server at the NTT Logisco Logistics Center (Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture) received unauthorized access, and at that time, information was stolen from the server that manages NTT Plala data on the same network.It is said that there is.
In addition to investigating detailed investigations in the future, customers who may have leaked personal information will be contacted individually.
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