News Genelek presents acoustic adjustment support tools to the company's monitor speaker loyal users.First 500 people

News Genelek presents acoustic adjustment support tools to the company's monitor speaker loyal users.First 500 people

ニュース ジェネレック、同社のモニター・スピーカー愛用者に音響調整サポート・ツールをプレゼント。先着500名

Genelek Japan will carry out the "GLM 15th Anniversary Present Campaign", which will present "Sound Adjustment Support Tools" to users who use the Genelec brand monitor speaker today from November 9th.。This campaign is a gift of "Sound Adjustment Support Tools", which is useful for building a better monitoring environment, commemorating the 15th anniversary of this year's speaker management software "GLM (Genelec Loudspeaker Manager)".Genelec monitor speaker is planned for loyal users.The first 500 people will receive a "acoustic adjustment support tool" that will help build a better monitoring environment.The acoustic adjustment support tool includes the "Genelec logo with a laser distance meter" that accurately determines the listening area, the "Acoustitape" that visualizes the frequency, and the optimal position of the speaker on the angle of the monitor and on the room drawings.Included "G / Stencil Tool" to be determined.In addition, it comes with a "Genelec multi -sticker", a "monitor setup guide" that summarizes the company's indoor sound know -how in one book, and a booklet that summarizes how to use it.Applications are possible by entering the serial number of the Genelec product used from the campaign details page, and answering the questionnaire.The gift items will be shipped around 2 weeks after application.The campaign will end as soon as the limited number is reached.

Editorial Department: Shujiro Ban