Masashichi Nakagawa Shoten will release a kit that allows parents and children to experience the customs of New Year.
It was developed to make it understand while enjoying customs such as "Why do you eat osechi dishes?"Lineup of seeds.
"Otoko and Osechi for parents and children" (1800 yen + shipping cost 1100 yen) is a kit that can draw a good luck pattern such as Shochiku plum and gourd using type painting techniques in domestic white wood boxes.With a New Year's dish packed inside, it comes with 10 kinds of domestic and additive -free ingredients for Ishii Foods.It is sold exclusively for online stores and has been accepting reservations from September 22.
白木の重箱、型絵、おせち付き型絵または自由に絵付けを楽しめる使い終わったあとは小物入れとしても"Seasonal persistent stool New Year Tora" (3850 yen) is a kit that allows you to enjoy painting freely using paint, a set of plain setto, liporon, and wooden stitching bills."Seasonal persistence stool New Year's New Year" (3850 yen) is a booklet that explains how to make it with a straw, rice ears, ropes, paper driving kits from Niigata Prefecture.Both will be released at directly managed stores and online stores from October 26.