More than 10,000 IoT equipment around the world is unauthorized program infection with 80 % of China = Korean information agency

More than 10,000 IoT equipment around the world is unauthorized program infection with 80 % of China = Korean information agency

National Intelligence Service logo (provided by the hospital) = (Yonhap News)

 世界のIoT装備1万台超が不正プログラム感染 8割が中国=韓国情報機関

[Seoul Yonhap News] The National Intelligence Service of the Korean Institute of Information Organization is called "Mozi Botnet" with about 11,700 units (equipment and equipment) equipment (equipment and equipment) of 72 countries and regions in 72 countries around the world.It has been announced that it has been infected with an unauthorized program.Modizobotnet uses low -safety passwords or does not use the latest software, and is infected by attacking equipment, etc., and using this equipment for dispersing service obstruction (DDOS attack).Use as a "platform".The National Intelligence Service conducted a field survey from Russian authorities last December with information that "there was an attempt to hack via a Korean IP address", and as a result, the domestic local PC -integrated advertising monitor is Modi.I confirmed that I was infected with the botnet.In addition, about 11,1700 units (about 100 in Japan (about 100 in Japan, including domestic and foreign wired / wireless routers, surveillance cameras (DVR), and PC -integrated advertising monitors (DVR) in Japan and overseas.(Including) is newly confirmed that it is infected with the same fraudulent program.Part of the infected IoT equipment was used as a transit site for the dissemination of unauthorized programs for the mining (mining) of cryptocurrent assets (virtual currency).The National Intelligence Service explained that if surveyed by private companies and individuals, the scale of the damage could increase further, and that we took emergency measures in the sense of prevention.In order to prevent damage in Japan, early this month, we will provide information to public institutions and private companies through the cyber threat information sharing system (NCTI / KCTI), and take measures such as blocking the transit site with related organizations and removing fraudulent programs.Is going.In addition, information with the United States, Japan, and some of the European Union (EU), where the IP addresses of infected equipment were confirmed, were damaged by 83%of the infected equipment.We provided materials to prevent expansion and investigate the attack.According to the National Intelligence Service official, "this damage has not changed the password set at the time of product purchase, or is the main attack on equipment that uses passwords that can be easily estimated by third parties.He said, "I want you to pay attention to basic security, such as changing your password when using IoT equipment."

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