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The way of working has changed significantly due to the corona evil.Many companies will be widespread and have become commonplace to not come to work.Some people have moved to a place away from the city center because they can do business without going to work.Anitya's Hitoshi Nakano describes such changes in such working environments as "Anytime", "Any WHERE", "Any Device", and "Anyone".
It is the IT person who supports this change.In addition to improving the environment of telework, there are a wide variety of things to do online, such as online management, application applications, remotely, and reviewing offices.Since it is difficult to solve everything at a stretch, it is necessary to work soberly to clear each one.
However, some IT people may say, "I don't know where to start," "I want to know the case of other companies whether it's right now."Therefore, this article introduces the actual situation of the "muddy work" conducted by famous companies from the session of "Bit Valley 2021 #07 Guide to Work from Anywhere" held in November 2021.
In the session "Work from Anywhere, the environment and communication", Mr. Nakano has become a moderator, looking back on the changes in the last few years.
"Because the premise of the working environment has changed significantly, IT staff had to quickly solve various issues. The conventional border -type security is not suitable for telework, so it is necessary to build a new security mechanism.It is also important to review office facilities and roles, such as "Reducing the number of seats" and "shifting accounting functions online". "
Nakano will continue to talk about how to proceed with the work.
"Instead of gathering in the office at the same time, I started working in a different place or a different time. I changed to asynchronous work style, so I have to change the communication into asynchronous ones.In order to work in the same way from the device, it is necessary to actively use cloud services such as "SaaS". "
In order to build an environment where you can work with anyone, anytime, anywhere, anybody, there are a lot of issues that IT people need to solve.Nakano asks, "I can't do everything at once.
In response to this question, the IT staff of each company explains "implemented to prepare the working environment."
Participated in the sessions were Kazuya Yoshino of LINE (IT Support Office Director), DeNA Tomohiro Owaki (IT Strategic Director), and Mixi Tokuhide Kato (the IT Director of the Working Environment Promotion Headquarters).
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