Let's decide on a myol to fix the IP address at home

Let's decide on a myol to fix the IP address at home

From the last time, I teach how to manage home LAN equipment clearly.It is a technique to classify the IP address of frequently used devices by classifying the IP address in the LAN.It is convenient when accessing equipment that is connected to the LAN with settings, etc.


Last time, I explained that the IP address in the LAN is classified with a device that fixes it and a non -fixing device.You don't have to fix your smartphone.You can use it as it is after this setting.See the previous commentary on what equipment should be fixed.

Now, let's explain the mechanism a little.The automatic allocation of the IP address of this home LAN uses the function of "DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Server [*1]" and is used with the router function.As the name suggests, a function that "dynamically sets a host (here is an IP address here)".If the device is connected to the router with a Wi-Fi or the like to a LAN at home, it will be able to connect by assigning an empty IP address that can be used.Usually, if the router function is turned on, it is automatically turned on, and it is a function that is used without particular awareness.Only one DHCP server runs in your home LAN.

[*1] …… The IPv4 features are being handled here, and when connected by IPv6 at home, the IP address is automatically determined by receiving RA (Router Advertisement) from the router.There is also a similar DHCPV6 server in IPv6, but there is no concept of private address.Basically, it can be used in IPv4 for the purpose of fixing the IP address in the home LAN and accessing the setting screen.To connect to the Internet by IPv6, if the referenced router (default gateway) is connected by IPv6, the connected device will be connected as it is.

In the initial state, "1" in the rightmost number (called host address or fourth octet) of the IP address of the router setting screen is for router, and the number of "2 ~" set in order is in order.It is allocated.

It looks like this.

"」←コレがルーター "」←自動で割り振られたWi-Fiアクセスポイント "」←1台目に接続したスマホ " "← Smart speakers connected to the second unit (automatically assigned in the order of connected below)


これを見てなんとなく分かったと思うが、"192.168.The 1st part is the network numerical value, and the last "1, 2, 3" is assigned by device, and it can be used up to "254".The numerical value of the network part can be freely changed within the range of the private address, but basically it can be used as it is.The rules for the final numerical assignment are set here.

Let's look at it specifically.Start an IP address that is automatically assigned to use the host address and the number of units, and the time to re -assignment, and create a fixed range.It is important that these two IP addresses do not batting.Let's look at an example of my house.

"」←コレがルーター "」←使えるプライベートアドレス始まり  【固定用】この間はWi-Fiアクセスポイント系の固定IPアドレスで使う "」  【固定用】この間はNASとかビデオなど固定IPアドレス機器用 "」←ここから★DHCPで自動割り振り開始  【自動用】この間がDHCPで自動で割り当てられる "」←ここまで★100台分自動接続できる  【予備】この間は一時実験など予備。基本使っていない " "← Usable private address end

Make a free space for fixing in front of the numerical value.Let's keep it a little more in anticipation of the number of devices to be fixed in the future.The fact that the fixation is used is a little easier to understand, and there is no deep meaning.

The point here is a DHCP server with "★" and the number that can be assigned to the automatic assignment start and the number that is allocated.Decide on this setting for yourself and set it to the router.I use it before this for fixation.

Fix the IP address of the device after this setting is performed by filling out the IP address on the device side.Fill in the setting screen while being careful not to batting within this range.The device used in automatic assignment may be used in the initial state, and is usually set to refer to the DHCP server.

自動接続が100台分とってあるが、実際にそれほど多くの機器が接続するワケでもない。念のため広くとっているだけだ。Wi-Fiルーターで同時接続ができるのは、多くても20台程度。ここで気を付けることは、最後の割り振りの「254」を超えないようにすることだ。この場合、最終値"192.168.1.Note that 255 is not available.

It doesn't matter what the above is.Think of it with your easy -to -use my rules.There is also a method of reducing the number of automatic assignments and using a fixed IP address in the latter half of 100 and 200.

It may be a bit confusing, but once you set it, you can use it almost semi -permanently until you replace the router.Let's do our best here.Next time, let's look at how to set it with the actual router.