[Latest] Thorough comparison of cheap Internet lines!Introducing recommended optical lines, home routers, pocket type WiFi

[Latest] Thorough comparison of cheap Internet lines!Introducing recommended optical lines, home routers, pocket type WiFi

Many of those who are considering Internet line contracts are worried that there are too many types and they don't know what to contract.Especially those who want to keep the monthly fee down want to choose a cheap Internet line.In this article, we will tell you about the low price, the speed of the line speed, the contents of the campaign, etc.

In fact, there are only three types of Internet lines: optical lines, home routers, and pocket type WiFi.

If you choose something that suits you from each feature, you won't fail to choose a line.

料金相場<戸建て> 5,000円~6,000円<マンション> 3,000円~4,000円3,000円~5,000円2,000円~5,000円

* Depending on the monthly data capacity


* All prices include tax

If you value speed, you can choose an optical line, and if you want to carry it, you can choose a pocket type WiFi!

However, there are many types of each Internet line.

Once you have decided on a line that suits you, you have to find a service that suits you.

When comparing each Internet line on this site, the following Internet services are recommended.

If you are worried about the Internet contract destination, please find an Internet line that suits you by referring to this article!

* This article is information as of February 2022.


Compare Internet lines by optical line, home router, pocket type WiFi!

Internet lines can be classified into three types: optical lines, home routers, and pocket type WiFi.

料金相場<戸建て> 5,000円~6,000円<マンション> 3,000円~4,000円3,000円~5,000円2,000円~5,000円

* Depending on the monthly data capacity


* All prices include tax

As you can see from the above comparison table, the price and communication speed of each Internet line are different.

So let's start by thinking about which is the Internet line that suits you.

Which Internet line is suitable for you will be explained in detail in the following items!

What is perfect for you?Explanation by optical line, home router, pocket type WiFi

Optical lines, home routers, and pocket type WiFi are recommended for the following people.

After knowing which Internet line is the best, let's find which service to use!

[27 companies comparison] Recommended optical line summary | by smartphone carrier

The optical line is recommended by those who meet the following conditions.

The optical line is a quick service with a speed out of all the Internet lines.

Also, no matter how much data you consume, you won't be able to limit the speed!

Therefore, it is recommended for those who want to enjoy content with large data communication (online games, high -quality videos, feature films, etc.).

Below, we have created a table comparing 27 optical lines currently provided.

回線名2年間の 実質料金月額料金実測値セット割 対象キャリアキャンペーン
ドコモ光133,780円5,720円268.78Mbpsドコモ・20,000円キャッシュバック ・dポイント2,000ptプレゼント ・新規工事費無料 ・光★複数割
auひかり69,210円5,610円 ~5,390円421.08Mbpsau・75,000円キャッシュバック ・違約金最大55,000円負担 ・工事費実質無料
So-net光プラス97,674円6,138円308.45Mbpsau・60,000円キャッシュバック ・v6プラス対応無線ルーター 月額料金永年無料 ・無料訪問設定サポート
NURO光96,300円5,200円502.87Mbpsソフトバンク・45,000円キャッシュバック ・工事費実質無料 ・設定サポート1回無料
ソフトバンク光143,180円5,720円316.86Mbpsソフトバンク・37,000円キャッシュバック ・乗り換えユーザーのみ工事費実質無料 ・月額料金割引 ・他社違約金最大10万円負担 ・開通前ポケット型WiFi無料貸し出し
コミュファ光112,290円3,980円 ~5,215円554.41Mbpsau・最大35,000円キャッシュバック ・他社違約金全額負担 ・最大25,000円または 25,000円相当のPontaポイントプレゼント ・コミュファ光スタート割 ・初期費用無料
@nifty光116,960円5,720円218.19Mbps・au ・UQモバイル・最大30,000円キャッシュバック ・24ヶ月間月額料金割引 ・初月無料 ・ひかり電話初月無料 ・IPv4 over IPv6対応WiFiルーター 最大25ヶ月間無料 ・セキュリティ最大12ヶ月間無料 ・ノジマ家電8%割引
BBIQ99,030円4,070円 ~5,170円321.2Mbps・au ・QTモバイル30,000円キャッシュバック
ビッグローブ光114,972円5,478円254.91Mbpsau・工事費無料 ・33,000円キャッシュバック ・IPv6対応無線ルーター6ヶ月間無料
ピカラ光102,050円4,950円 ~4,840円374.34Mbpsau・25,000円キャッシュバック ・初期費用0円 ・開通月月額料金無料 ・無線WiFiルーターレンタル無料
フレッツ光 西日本173,800円5,830円 ~5,621円274.83Mbpsプロバイダによって 異なる月額料金割引
フレッツ光 東日本184,360円6,270円274.83Mbpsプロバイダによって 異なる月額料金割引
メガ・エッグ107,380円4,620円419.72Mbps・au ・UQモバイル20,000円キャッシュバック
楽天ひかり131,120円3,080円 ~5,280円216.64Mbps楽天モバイル・1年間無料 (楽天モバイルとセット契約時) ・SPU対象
eo光100,188円3,248円 ~5,448円458.82Mbpsau・商品券15,000円分プレゼント ・初期費用実質無料 ・他社違約金最大1万円負担 ・多機能無線ルーター1年間無料 ・月額料金割引
エキサイト光129,404円4,796円170,39Mbps・工事費実質無料 ・手数料無料 ・月額料金割引
@TCOMヒカリ104,300円5,610円264.29Mbpsau・31,000円キャッシュバック ・月額料金割引 ・新規工事費無料 ・契約事務手数料実質無料
BB excite光 Fit177,320円5,830円353.88MbpsIPv6 IPoE対応 無線ルータープレゼント
ぷらら光124,720円5,280円265.23Mbps・35,000円キャッシュバック ・IPv6対応無線ルーター無料レンタル ・セキュリティ最大24ヶ月間無料 ・サポート定額料最大2ヶ月無料
おてがる光142,692円4,708円269,31Mbps・IPv6対応 WiFiルータープレゼント ・月額料金割引
DTI光141,600円5,280円262.95Mbpsau (光回線の料金値引)最大19,000円キャッシュバック
IIJmioひかり142,152円5,456円334.2MbpsIIJmio・10,000円キャッシュバック ・月額料金割引
Asahi Net光122,320円5,060円 ~5,698円236.41Mbps・新規工事費実質無料 ・IPv6対応無線ルータープレゼント ・月額料金割引
エキサイト MEC光129,036円4,428円 ~4,950円310.57Mbps・工事費無料 ・月額料金割引

* All prices include tax※実測値:「みんなの回線速度」2021年12月23日計測

回線名2年間の 実質料金月額料金実測値セット割 対象キャリアキャンペーン
ドコモ光102,100円4,400円268.78Mbpsドコモ・20,000円キャッシュバック ・2,000dポイントプレゼント ・新規工事費無料 ・光★複数割
auひかり42,640円4,180円421.08Mbpsau・70,000円キャッシュバック ・違約金最大55,000円負担 ・工事費実質無料
So-net光プラス69,844円4,928円308.45Mbpsau・60,000円キャッシュバック ・v6プラス対応 無線ルーター月額料金永年無料 ・無料訪問設定サポート
NURO光10人以上41,660円2,090円502.87Mbpsソフトバンク・25,000円キャッシュバック ・工事費実質無料 ・設定サポート1回無料
ソフトバンク光106,220円4,180円316.86Mbpsソフトバンク・37,000円キャッシュバック ・乗り換えユーザーのみ工事費実質無料 ・月額料金割引 ・他社違約金最大10万円負担 ・開通前ポケット型WiFi無料貸し出し
コミュファ光57,250円3,380円 ~4,000円554.41Mbpsau・最大40,000円キャッシュバック ・他社違約金全額負担 ・最大25,000円または 25,000円相当のPontaポイントプレゼント ・コミュファ光スタート割 ・初期費用無料
@nifty光86,094円4,378円218.19Mbps・au ・UQモバイル・最大30,000円キャッシュバック ・24ヶ月間月額料金割引 ・初月無料 ・ひかり電話初月無料 ・IPv4 over IPv6対応 WiFiルーター最大25ヶ月間無料 ・セキュリティ最大12ヶ月間無料 ・ノジマ家電8%割引
BBIQ86,320円3,300円 ~4,400円321.2Mbps・au ・QTモバイル25,000円キャッシュバック
ビッグローブ光88,572円4,378円254.91Mbpsau・工事費無料 ・33,000円キャッシュバック ・IPv6対応無線ルーター6ヶ月間無料
ピカラ光74,220円3,740円374.34Mbpsau・25,000円キャッシュバック ・初期費用0円 ・開通月月額料金無料 ・無線WiFiルーターレンタル無料
フレッツ光 西日本136,180円4,235円 ~4,378円274.83Mbpsプロバイダによって 異なる月額料金割引
フレッツ光 東日本134,860円4,345円274.83Mbpsプロバイダによって 異なる月額料金割引
メガ・エッグ80,980円3,520円419.72Mbps・au ・UQモバイル20,000円キャッシュバック
楽天ひかり102,520円1,980円 ~4,180円216.64Mbps楽天モバイル・1年間無料 (楽天モバイルとセット契約時) ・SPU対象
eo光87,660円3,326円 ~3,876円458.82Mbpsau・商品券3,000円分プレゼント ・初期費用実質無料 ・他社違約金最大1万円負担 ・多機能無線ルーター1年間無料 ・月額料金割引
エキサイト光102,960円3,355円170,39Mbps・工事費実質無料 ・手数料無料 ・月額料金割引
@TCOMヒカリ76,940円4,180円264.29Mbpsau・28,000円キャッシュバック ・月額料金割引 ・新規工事費無料 ・契約事務手数料実質無料
BB excite光 Fit134,420円4,180円353.88MbpsIPv6 IPoE対応無線ルータープレゼント
ぷらら光89,740円3,960円265.23Mbps・35,000円キャッシュバック ・IPv6対応無線ルーター無料レンタル ・セキュリティ最大24ヶ月間無料 ・サポート定額料最大2ヶ月無料
おてがる光112,992円3,608円269.31Mbps・IPv6対応WiFiルータープレゼント ・月額料金割引
DTI光109,620円3,960円262.95Mbpsau (光回線の料金値引)最大16,000円キャッシュバック
IIJmioひかり112,452円4,356円334.2MbpsIIJmio・10,000円キャッシュバック ・月額料金割引
Asahi Net光98,560円4,070円 ~4,488円236.41Mbps・新規工事費実質無料 ・IPv6対応無線ルータープレゼント ・月額料金割引
エキサイト MEC光105,600円3,465円 ~3,960円310.57Mbps・工事費無料 ・月額料金割引

* All prices include tax※実測値:「みんなの回線速度」2021年12月23日計測

光回線は、現在契約中のスマホキャリアとセット割が組めるものを選ぶと、毎月のスマホ料金が永年最大1,100円/月安くなります。(最大10回線 ※ドコモのみ最大20回線)

Therefore, when choosing an optical line contract destination, be sure to select a service that allows you to assemble the set.

Just by choosing an optical line with a set discount, you can reduce the smartphone fee up to 264,000 yen a year!

However, some optical lines have limited available areas depending on the service.

Don't neglect the area check before applying.

To summarize the information so far, the following services are recommended for each carrier.

Let's explain one by one.

"DOCOMO Hikari" is an Internet line that supports the DOCOMO Soma and the set discount in the Hikari telephone set contract.

If you are a docomo user, you can incorporate up to 20 smartphones into a set discount!

DOCOMO Hikari is the most advantageous if you apply from "DoCoMo Online Concierge".

【ドコモ光×ドコモオンラインコンシェルジュ 概要表】
キャンペーン・20,000円キャッシュバック ・2,000dポイントプレゼント ・新規工事費無料 ・光★複数割

* All prices include tax

If you apply for DoCoMo Hikari from "DoCoMo Online Concierge", you will receive a 20,000 yen cashback in addition to the official benefits.

The only way to apply is to convey account information from the email sent later.

Since the receiving period is early after applying, it can be said that it is a perfect window for those who want to use DOCOMO Hikari!

In addition, new contractors are officially free for construction costs.

It is an optical line that has a great merit for those who want to save expensive construction costs.

See DOCOMO Hikari in detail

"Au Hikari" is an optical line that can apply au smartphone to up to 10 lines.

The target area is limited, but it can be said that it is an Internet line with a fast measured value among optical lines!

Recommended not only for au users but also for those who emphasize speed.

If you want to sign up for such au Hikari, apply from "NEXT".

【auひかり×NEXT 概要表】
月額料金1年目:5,610円 2年目:5,500円 3年目~:5,390円4,180円
キャンペーン・最大75,000円キャッシュバック(ネットのみ最大60,000円) ・違約金最大55,000円負担 ・工事費実質無料

* All prices include tax

Just apply for au Hikari with Hikari Phone from NEXT, a cashback of up to 75,000 yen will be transferred in a minimum of four months.

If you subscribe to the Hikari phone, it costs 550 yen every month, but at least 550 yen is discounted for many years at a set of au.

Therefore, it can be said that there is no real Hikari phone fee.

AU has a real free fee, so be sure to contract together and use it at a great price!

However, au Hikari has a limited area.

Before applying, be sure to check if your area is in the area from "Search for Areas".

See au Hikari in detail

If you are out of the area in the au Hikari's "Search for Areas", you can apply the au set discount and apply for "So-net Hikari Plus" that can be used nationwide.

The actual measurement value of So-Net Hikari Plus is not as fast as au Hikari.

However, if you apply from the "official website", you can use a V6 plus compatible router that stabilizes high -speed communication for a long time.

Therefore, it can be used at a faster speed than other optical lines that can be used nationwide.

V6 Plus is a next -generation communication method, so there are few users and it is crispy!

【So-net光プラス×公式 概要表】
キャンペーン・60,000円キャッシュバック ・v6プラス対応ルーター月額料金永年無料 ・無料訪問設定サポート

* All prices include tax

If you apply from the official website, the real charge will be cheaper than the market price due to the unconditional 60,000 yen cashback.

Cashbacks are required to be divided into twice, but you can always check the application time from My Page.

After the contract, check on My Page and don't forget to apply.

See so-net in detail about Hikari Plus

"NURO Hikari" is an optical line that is applied to up to 10 SoftBank Smartphone to a set of Hikari phone.

The area is limited, but you can contract up to 2Gbps up to 2Gbps without additional charges!

Recommended not only for SoftBank users but also for those who value speed.

Such NURO Hikari is the most advantageous application from the official website.

【NURO光×公式サイト 概要表】
キャンペーン・最大45,000円キャッシュバック ・工事費実質無料 ・設定サポート1回無料

* All prices include tax

If you subscribe to "NURO Hikari G2T" from the official website, a cashback of 45,000 yen will be transferred six months later.

The only way to apply is to tell the transfer destination from the email sent six months later.

If you don't overlook the email, you don't have to worry about receiving it.

If you apply for "NURO Hikari G2T" from the official website, the same amount will be transferred.

However, if the NURO light line equipment is included in the building, you will have to contract for the "NURO Hikari For Mansion".

If the apartment has no permission from the owner to open it, you will not be able to apply for "NURO Hikari G2T".

If you live in an apartment, it is difficult to use NURO unless it is a building that contains "NURO Hikari for Mansion".

In the case of NURO Hikari for condominiums, the cashback amount is reduced to 25,000 yen, but the monthly fee is about 2,000 yen cheaper than the market price.

However, as mentioned at the beginning, the area providing NURO Hikari is limited.

Before applying, make sure that you can sign a contract with "Area Search".

See NURO Hikari in detail

If you are outside the area in the NURO Hikari "Area Search", you can apply for SoftBank Smile and Set Discount and apply for "SoftBank Hikari" that can be used nationwide.

If you apply from "STORY", you can get a cashback of 37,000 yen if you apply from "STORY".

【ソフトバンク光×STORY 概要表】
キャンペーン・37,000円キャッシュバック ・乗り換えユーザーのみ工事費実質無料 ・月額料金割引 ・他社違約金最大10万円負担 ・開通前ポケット型WiFi無料貸し出し

* All prices include tax

Softbank Hikari is not a special cheap line, but there are luxurious benefits for transfer users, such as having to pay up to 100,000 yen for other companies, and the construction costs are actually free.

If there is 100,000 yen, you can almost certainly be able to make a penalty to 0 yen!

Therefore, it is recommended for SoftBank users who are considering transferring from other company optical lines, home routers, pocket type WiFi, etc.

See Softbank Hikari in detail

The set discount of cheap SIM is not as high as the career, so let's choose the speed instead of the set!

The fastest Internet line introduced this time is "NURO Hikari", which can use up to 2Gbps.

The details of NURO Hikari are explained in "NURO Hikari" is recommended for SoftBank users.

【最新】安いインターネット回線を徹底比較! おすすめの光回線・ホームルーター・ポケット型WiFiを紹介

Cheap SIM users should refer to it!

[3 companies comparison] Recommended home router summary

Home routers are recommended by those who meet the following conditions:

The home router is a service that completes the Internet environment simply by connecting the main unit to the home outlet.

The speed is inferior to the optical line, but you can use the Internet at home without opening it.

So, it's suitable for those who couldn't do the construction even if they wanted to contract for an optical line!

Below, we compared the three home routers currently available.

サービス名ドコモhome 5Gモバレコエアー (ソフトバンクエアー)WiMAX (Broad WiMAX)

* All prices include tax

Among the above, there are two services that have a well -balanced price of the price and the speed of the measured values, "Mobaleko Air (SoftBank Air)" and "WiMAX (BROAD WIMAX)".

However, each home router has different recommended people depending on the purpose!

Choose the one that suits your contract and check the details.

If you want to use a home router cheaply, use "Mobaleko Air".

Mobaleko Air is a service that allows you to use SoftBank Air provided by SoftBank at a low price.

The provider is Good Lack Co., Ltd., but the line and quality are the same as SoftBank Air.

The device is the latest 5G AIR terminal 5, so you can enjoy the Internet comfortably.

You can use a high -quality 5G -compatible SoftBank home router at a great price!

月額料金初月~1ヶ月目:2,167円 2~23ヶ月目:3,679円 24ヶ月目~:5,368円
キャンペーン・17,000円キャッシュバック ・他社ネット解約金最大10万円負担 ・他社スマホ解約金を最大10,450円負担 ・U25限定SoftBank Air割引 ・U-NEXT特別無料トライアル

* All prices include tax

Mobaleko Air is a home router provided by SoftBank, so if SoftBank users contract, the set discount will be applied.

Hikari telephone contracts were required for optical lines, but discounts are applied only for Mobaleko Air with only online contracts.

For SoftBank users who do not need a fixed line, this is a nice point!

Also, if you apply from Mobaleko Air, you will get a 17,000 yen cashback in the shortest month in the shortest month.

Another great advantage is that the monthly fee discount for 24 months is automatically applied.

If all the benefits described above are applied, Mobaleko Air can be used at a low price of 3,078 yen for two years.

You can also use U-NEXT special free trials.

If you value cheapness, apply for Mobaleko Air!

See Mobaleko Air in detail

If you want to focus on the stability of the Internet line, choose a home router provided by Broad WiMAX.

Broad WiMAX can be used at a stable start, as you can see from the table below.


* "Everyone's line speed" as of December 23, 2021

At night, the speed is a little reduced, but on the Internet, no matter which service you use, the speed is likely to drop at night with many internet users.

Also, if you have more than 10Mbps, you can enjoy not only search and SNS but also YouTube, so you can enjoy the Internet comfortably all day with a BROAD WIMAX home router.

1日を通して安定的な高速通信を利用したいのであれば、ぜひBroad WiMAXのホームルーターを選ぼう!
【Broad WiMAX概要表】
初期費用手数料:3,300円 その他:20,743円(Web割で無料)
キャンペーン・限定19,000円キャッシュバック ・他社違約金最大19,000円負担 ・初期費用無料 ・いつでも解約サポート ・月額料金割引

* All prices include tax

The latest model of BROAD WIMAX is "HOME 5G L12" for 5G.

WiMAX is expanding 5G area, and only 4G lines can be used in some areas.

However, the "HOME 5G L12" has a higher specifications than conventional terminals, so it is recommended to use "HOME 5G L12" even in areas where only 4G lines can be used!

WiMAX can use the same line and product regardless of any provider.

However, if the provider is different, the monthly fee and the contents of the campaign will be different.

If you want to use "HOME 5G L12" at a discount, we recommend "BROAD WIMAX", which is a good support and is definitely cheap from the first month.

See Broad WiMAX in detail

[21 companies comparison] Recommended pocket type WiFi summary | Data capacity

Pocket -type WiFi is recommended by those who meet the following conditions:

The biggest feature of pocket type WiFi is that you can connect to the Internet anywhere if you have a terminal.

The following is a list of pocket type WiFi compared by monthly capacity.

月間データ容量サービス名2年間の 実質月額料金契約期間実測値キャンペーン
20GBゼウスWiFi2,166円2年15.01Mbps・月額料金割引 ・1年間最大10GB増量
MONSTER MOBILE2,222円1年30.1Mbps最大12ヶ月間月額料金割引 (NTTグループカード利用者限定)
ギガゴリWiFi ワールドプラン2,299円2年36.09Mbps
MONSTER MOBILE2,894円30.1Mbps最大12ヶ月間月額料金割引 (NTTグループカード利用者限定)
THE WiFi(Fit)2,200円2年12.97Mbps
Chat WiFi3,197円13.03Mbps
40GBゼウスWiFi2,928円2年15.01Mbps・月額料金割引 ・1年間最大10GB増量
ギガゴリWiFi ワールドプラン3,069円2年36.09Mbps
THE WiFi(Fit)2,728円2年12.97Mbps
50GBMONSTER MOBILE2,894円1年30.1Mbps最大12ヶ月間月額料金割引 (NTTグループカード利用者限定)
Ex WiFi3,080円2年不明
MONSTER MOBILE2,982円1年30.1Mbps最大12ヶ月間月額料金割引 (NTTグループカード利用者限定)
90GBMONSTER MOBILE3,532円1年30.1Mbps最大12ヶ月間月額料金割引 (NTTグループカード利用者限定)
100GBTHE WiFi3,304円2年12.97Mbps・4ヶ月0円キャンペーン ・30日間無料お試し
Mugen WiFi3,450円2年10.56Mbps10,000円キャッシュバック
Air WiFi・サクッとプラン →3,532円 ・らくらくプラン →3,631円1年29.2Mbps30日間お試しモニター
MONSTER MOBILE3,642円1年30.1Mbps最大12ヶ月間月額料金割引 (NTTグループカード利用者限定)
Air WiFi (まるっとプラン)3,862円1年29.2Mbps30日間お試しモニター
Ex WiFi3,850円2年不明
ゼウスWiFi3,894円2年15.01Mbps・月額料金割引 ・1年間最大10GB増量
ギガゴリWiFi ワールドプラン3,905円2年36.09Mbps
Broad WiMAX3,928円3年71.22Mbps・19,000円キャッシュバック ・他社違約金最大19,000円負担 ・初期費用無料 ・いつでも解約サポート ・月額料金割引
Chat WiFi5,265円13.03Mbps
ギガゴリWiFi ワールドプラン6,182円2年36.09Mbps
210GBhi-ho Let’s Wi-Fi4,033円2年19.5Mbps・月額料金割引 ・事務手数料無料

* Actual measurement: "Everyone's line speed" measured on December 23, 2021

The monthly data capacity is determined for the pocket type WiFi.

First, let's grasp the capacity you use every month!

After that, by deciding whether there is a contract period, you will find a pocket -type WiFi that fits yourself.

To summarize the above points, the following services are recommended for each purpose and capacity.

Let's explain the details of each service.

If you want to use a pocket type WiFi at a stable high -speed speed, choose "Broad WiMAX".

As you can see in the comparison table mentioned above, the average measured value of the pocket type WiFi is in the 10Mbps level, while the actual measured value of BROAD WIMAX is 71..It is very fast with 22Mbps.

BROAD WIMAX supports 5G, so you can get a faster speed than other companies' pocket WiFi!

Therefore, if you sign up for Broad WiMAX, you will be able to enjoy the Internet with stress -free.

【Broad WiMAX概要表】
初期費用手数料:3,300円 その他:20,743円(Web割で無料)
キャンペーン・限定19,000円キャッシュバック ・他社違約金最大19,000円負担 ・初期費用無料 ・いつでも解約サポート ・月額料金割引

* All prices include tax

Many providers provide WiMAX pocket type WiFi, but no matter where you apply, quality and terminals do not change.

The difference is the price and the content of the campaign!

If you want to use WiMAX's pocket type WiFi at a great price, choose a Cashback and penalty burden, etc.

See Broad WiMAX in detail

If you are sufficient with 50GB of data, choose "MONSTER Mobile"!

MONSTER MOBILE offers two types of 50GB, a "one -year contract plan" and a "tied -up plan", both of which are the lowest in the same capacity.

実質月額料金2,894円3,444円 ※1年間で計算
キャンペーン最大12ヶ月間月額料金割引 (NTTグループカード利用者限定)

* All prices include tax

In addition, MONSTER MOBILE chooses a "one -year contract plan", which has a penalty after one year (other than renewal month), and there is not much burden even if it is canceled other than the renewal month.

Moreover, since the update is every year, short -term users are easy to use!

If you want to use 50GB a month at the lowest price, or if you want to use a 50GB pocket type WiFi for a short period of time, choose MONSTER MOBILE.

See MONSTER Mobile in detail

If you have a 100GB capacity a month, choose "MUGEN WiFi".

【Mugen WiFi概要表】

* All prices include tax

If you look at the actual rates in the comparison table, "The WiFi" is cheaper, but Mugen WiFi has the following points not in the wifi.

Above all, it is a nice point for busy people to send the terminal immediately by applying for 12:00 am.

Even if a sudden business trip is decided, MUGEN WiFi will respond immediately!

Although the measured values are slightly slower, on average 10Mbps, web search, SNS, and YouTube (standard to low quality) can be used without any problems.

If you want to use a 100GB pocket type wifi a month cheaply and comfortably, choose MUGEN WiFi.

See Mugen Wifi in detail

If you want to use a 100GB pocket type WiFi without a contract period, "Cloud WiFi" is recommended!

実質月額料金3,972円 ※1年間で計算

* All prices include tax

Cloud WiFi does not have a campaign that can be cheaper.

However, even if there is no campaign, it is a pocket type WiFi that can be used at the lowest price under the conditions of 100GB x tied.

In the case of MUGEN WiFi, a penalty of 9,900 yen for cancellation within one year, and 5,500 yen in cancellation within two years.(Free after the third year)

Therefore, if you want to use a 100GB pocket type WiFi for only 1-2 years, consider cloud WiFi.

See the cloud wifi in detail

For those who are looking for a pocket type WiFi that can be used 200GB a month, "Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi" is recommended.

【hi-ho Let’s Wi-Fi】
月額料金初月~11ヶ月目:3,278円 12ヶ月目~:4,730円
キャンペーン・月額料金割引 ・事務手数料無料

* All prices include tax

Looking at the actual rate of pocket -type WiFi, which can use 200GB per month, 4,032 yen of "WiFi (tied)" is the cheapest.

However, WiFi consumes 4GB a day, so that the speed limit is limited to the next day, so Hi-Ho Let's WiFi, which can be used up to 7GB a day, is for heavy users.

The difference between 3GB a day is big!

However, the 210GB plan of Hi-Ho Lets' Wi-Fi will be limited to 128 kbps during the day if it exceeds 7GB a day, so if you choose Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi, daily data consumption.Let's put within 7GB.

See Hi-Ho Let's Wi-Fi in detail

For those who want to use a 200GB pocket type WiFi without being bound by the contract period, "Chat WiFi" is recommended!

【Chat WiFi 概要表】
実質月額料金5,265円 ※1年間で計算

* All prices include tax

Chat WiFi is a pocket -type WiFi that can use the main line, unlike other companies that rent a major carrier line.

Therefore, you can use a large capacity of 200GB crisp.

In addition, the minimum usage period is not set at all, and a contract for one month is possible!

200GB per month is comparable to all -you -can -use.

If you want to use the Internet comfortably without worrying about the contract period or data capacity, choose Chat WiFi.

See Chat Wifi in detail

Frequently asked questions when comparing Internet lines

Finally, I summarized the questions that many people are interested in when comparing Internet lines.

It is a content that you can see in one shot to choose which Internet line to choose, so please take a look at this article.

The cheapest Internet line is a pocket type WiFi.

Among them, comparing a number of pocket -type WiFi rates, "WiFi", which can use 20GB for 1,900 yen, was the cheapest.

Recommended pocket type WiFi is explained in "[21 companies comparison] Recommended pocket type WiFi summary | Data capacity by data capacity", so please take a look.

The fastest Internet line is an optical line.

As a result of comparing the speed of the optical line, "NURO Hikari", which can use up to 2Gbps up to 2Gbps, was the fastest.

Recommended optical lines are described in "[27 comparison] Recommended optical line summary | Smartphone carrier by smartphone carrier".

There are three types of Internet lines: optical lines, home routers, and pocket type WiFi.

Both are services that can use the Internet, but the ones that fit perfectly differ depending on the usage.

"Compare Internet lines by optical line, home router, pocket type WiFi!Let's see which service fits you.

Each Internet line is unsuitable for each purpose.

First, clarify what you want to focus on!

The main purpose of contracting each Internet line is:

For more information on how to select each Internet line, "What is perfect for you?Explanation by optical line, home router, pocket type WiFi.


Internet lines can be largely classified as "optical line", "home router" and "pocket type WiFi".

Both are means of using the Internet, which may not fit depending on the purpose of use.

First, clarify what you want to focus on.

As a result of comparing many Internet lines this time, the following services are recommended for each purpose.

If you are planning to sign an Internet line in the future, please refer to this article and find a service that suits you.