"No need to wear blue light cut glasses outside of the night." Ophthalmologists speak blue light lies.

"No need to wear blue light cut glasses outside of the night." Ophthalmologists speak blue light lies.

"No need to wear blue light cut glasses outside of the night." Ophthalmologists speak blue light lies.

There is a theory that "it is better to use blue light cut glasses when working on a personal computer."On the other hand, I also hear the opposition that "blue light cut glasses are not required" or "it is better not to use it for children."What is the right information?This time, Mr. Haga of the ophthalmologist "Shinkubaba Ophthalmology" explained the effects on the body that Blue Light has.[This article is published after confirming the credibility of medical information by Medical Doc Medical Advisor].

Is "Blue Light" a lie?

Editorial Department: First, please tell me about blue light. Haga -sensei: Our visible light is called the "visible light line", and blue light is one of them. Light has a wavelength, but blue light has a shorter wavelength and strong energy. Blue light is also emitted from sunlight, and it is also available from PCs and smartphone displays. Editorial Department: I often hear the story that "blue light is bad for the eyes." Haga -sensei: It seems that some of them pointed out that taking a long time in blue light can affect your eyestrain and sleep. This is because the wavelength of blue light is short, so the cornea and lens can be transmitted to reach the retina. Therefore, I am worried that it may be bad for my eyes. Editorial Department: Certainly, if you keep watching your smartphone or computer, your eyes will flicker, dry, and tired. Haga -sensei: Many people complain of the symptoms of dry eye, blurred eyes, and focus because of overuse of personal computers. However, they are considered to be the cause of the "distance from the screen" rather than "blue light". In other words, keeping staring at the monitor at a close range can burden the eyes and various symptoms appear. Editorial Department: Does blue light don't matter? Dr. Haga: The relationship with blue light is not yet clear. In fact, the blue lights emitted from PCs and smartphone displays are extremely small, not as strong as their eyes. Editorial Department: There are some stories that if you use a computer or smartphone at night, you will not be able to sleep due to blue light, right? Dr. Haga: The influence of blue light may be considered, but the effects of sympathetic nerves will be larger. With a lot of information from personal computers and smartphones, the sympathetic nerves are activated and switched to excitement, and they do not fall asleep. In recent years, the trouble of sleep disorders has been increasing significantly.

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