The house this time is a three -story reinforced concrete.In addition, the building that was used as a clinic before is a solid construction, and from a Wi-Fi perspective, it is an environment that seems to be very difficult.
The current usage status is part of the first floor and the third floor of the wife's parents' workplace and residence, and the second floor is our home, and as a whole, it is a two -family house.
In addition, when renovating from the clinic, the LAN cable is passed through the wall, so you can connect to a wired LAN at key points.increase.
Thanks to the use of wired LAN, Mr. S and his parents have provided a minimum network environment for work personal computers for their parents, but due to Corona's evil, Mr. S continued to work at home, so Wi-Fi again.Environmental vulnerability has been highlighted.Even if I could communicate in a room with a Wi-Fi router, it was hardly reached if I moved to another room, and communication was impossible.
On the second and third floors used as housing, as well as the first floor, it is almost impossible to use Wi-Fi in both bedrooms, living rooms and kitchens.Therefore, when using a smartphone at home, it is customary to use LTE, and the carrier data plan also contracted for the whole family.Mr. S jokes half a joke, half joking, half joking, saying, "I'm supposed to be a high-speed line, but I'm going to use Wi-Fi and use Wi-Fi."。
Not only smartphones, but also media devices such as Apple TV in the living room, of course, Wi-Fi can not be used, so the wired LAN is connected by combining network switches.When it was a notebook PC that his wife sometimes used, he temporarily pulled the LAN cable to cross the room and was wired.The following situations have been measured by measuring the radio wave intensity of the conventional environment.
交換前既存ルーター使用時の各ポイントにおける電波強度In addition to being blocked by walls, it was thought that the Wi-Fi radio waves are crowded because the condominium is in a densely populated residential area, which is difficult to communicate.。Since all four conventional routers were built with a mesh network with wired LAN connections, there is no doubt that wireless communication between a smartphone or other child unit and the router is a bottleneck.
Therefore, when improving the network environment, we could not rely on wireless mesh networks.The situation will probably not change much when the mesh is densely increased by increasing the access point.In the first place, the mesh network that can be built with a Wi-Fi router for consumers is up to 4 or 5 units at best.As in this case, a large number of floors and a router must be installed in each room (that can not be improved), requires more units.