Solar power generation that can use electricity even if there is a power outage due to an earthquake or typhoon that is environmentally friendly, saving utility costs.In recent years, the facilities have become cheaper, and the sight of solar panels in their roofs and vacant lots at home has become not unusual.
As for such solar power generation, do you know that more and more people are introducing for investment purposes?Governments and companies around the world, including Japan, which have announced that they will realize a carbon caloral society by 2050, the goal of SDGs (sustainable development goals) 7 "Energy to everyone and clean".This is due to shifting to the shift, and demand is increasing for solar power generation, which is the leading sole.
However, it is a matter of whether investing in solar power can really make money.Therefore, this time, I will introduce what solar investment is, the expected profits and risks.
It is difficult to consider the price for those who are considering the installation of solar power generation.In addition, instead of taking an estimate from one company, a quote from multiple companies may make up to 300,000 yen cheaper!This time, I got a questionnaire at the editorial department and summarized the popular quote sites!Every site takes about 3 minutes!
First, we will explain what the investment of solar power is like.
Solar power investment means that a solar power generation system is installed at the home and land where you own and rent, and the power generated by using them is sold (sold electricity) to the power company, and the investment fund is collected.Is something you get.
If it is an industrial solar power generation of 10 kW or more, the power selling price is guaranteed for 20 years in the national FIT (fixed price purchase system), so it can be stable without being affected by the market price.increase.Therefore, it is said that there is less risk than stock investment.
If you want to know about Fit, please see the information on the following site.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Resources Energy Agency "[Solar Power] Users must check!" Fit System "
According to statistics by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Resources and Energy Agency, the average initial cost of the industrial solar power system (10 kW or more) installed in 2020 is 253,000 yen per kW.In other words, the introduction of a 50kW solar power system is expected to cost about 12 million yen.
In order to start investing in solar power, you need to prepare the following equipment, which costs the purchase and construction costs of these devices.
必要な機器 | 説明 |
太陽光発電モジュール(太陽光パネル) | 太陽光をあてて発電する機器 |
パワーコンディショナー(パワコン、PCS) | モジュールで発電された直流電力を交流電力に変換し、家庭内での利用、蓄電池への充電、電力会社への売電などに適した安定した出力に整える機器 |
発電モニター | 発電量や電気使用量をチェックする機器 |
売電メーター | 売電する電力量を測定する機器 |
その他 | 蓄電池、架台、ケーブルなど |
In addition, it is expensive to purchase or rent a place to install a solar power system.
The cost of installing solar power is explained in detail in this article, so let's check it together.
太陽光発電の設置費用の相場はいくら?5つの方法で節約できる!マイホームへの太陽光発電の設置費用について不安はありませんか?太陽光発電は費用が大きいのが難点ですが、補助金などのポイントを押さえれば費用を節約することも可能です。本記事では、そんなマイホームの太陽光発電で節約する5つの方法を紹介します。news.mynavi.jp太陽光発電の初期費用はいくら?費用相場と無料で設置する方法も紹介太陽光発電の初期費用はいくらかかるかをご存じでしょうか?実は太陽光発電はさまざまな種類や補助金があり、費用を抑えることが可能です。中には初期費用が無料で始められるものも。そこで本記事では、太陽光発電の気になる初期費用について徹底解説します。news.mynavi.jpInvesting solar power is rated costs such as electricity bills, communication expenses, and taxes.The amount varies depending on the size of the solar power system.The running costs that require or regularly are as follows:
費目 | 説明 | 金額の目安 |
遠隔監視システムの通信費 | 太陽光発電による発電量をPCやスマホ等で常時チェックできるシステムに要する通信費 | 1〜3万円/年 |
パワーコンディショナーの電気代 | 太陽光発電をしていない時間帯(夜間など)でのパワコンの稼働に要する電気代 | 1〜3万円/年 |
清掃代・樹木剪定費 | 太陽光発電モジュールや敷地の清掃、樹木剪定などに要する費用 | 1〜3万円/年 |
保険料 | 設備破損、日照不足による売電収入の減少、損害賠償に備えての損害保険代 | 1〜2万円/年 |
税金 | 所得税(個人)または法人税(法人)、電気事業税、固定資産税 | 10〜20万円/年 |
In addition, it costs about once or suddenly once every few years.
費目 | 説明 |
修理・交換費 | |
定期点検費 |
Yield is a scale that measures how much return (revenue) is available to the investment amount.There are two types of yields: surface yield and real yield.
利回りの種類 | 表面利回り | 実質利回り |
説明 | ||
諸経費 | 計算に入れない | 計算に入れる |
計算式 | 年間売電収入÷初期投資費用×100 | (年間売電収入-年間諸経費支出)÷初期投資費用×100 |
Annual power selling income is calculated in the following formula.
年間売電収入 = FIT価格(発電量1kWhあたりの売電価格) × 発電量It is a good idea to consider both the surface yield and the real yield as the first step in comparing the investment solar power generation system.It is common to first look at the surface yield and then look at the real yield.
It is said that the average surface yield of solar power is about 10 %.In other words, in the case of a 50kW solar power system, the initial investment cost is about 12 million yen, so it is expected that a profit will be about 1.2 million yen per year.And if you can make that much profit every year, you will be able to collect the initial investment in 10 years.
監修者:比連崎さん一括見積もりサービスなどを利用して、初期から運用までトータルコストを把握しておきましょう。Investing solar power is less risky than stock investment, but not at all.Here are the following six risks of investing in solar power.
The first is that the power selling price (FIT price) specified by the government continues to fall.
The FIT price is declining year by year, and it was 40 yen in 2012, but in 2020, it dropped to around half, as 12 yen/13 yen.The reason for this was that the price of the solar power generation system was high when the FIT began, but as the spread of the year, it was realized as it became more popular.
The second is that the country has reviewed the purchase conditions along with the FIT price, and the conditions for selling electricity are deteriorating.For example, from 2020, the requirements of regional utilization have been set for a solar power generation system of less than 50 kW to have a self -consumption rate of 30%or more.In order to sell electricity, it is necessary to use more than 30 % for private use.
In other words, the amount of electricity that can be sold will be less than 70%, and the power sales income will be reduced accordingly.Nevertheless, it is easy to consume self -consumption if you have a power generation equipment near your home, but if you are far away, you will not be able to consume your own, and the power generated will be wasted.
The solar power generation system, which has been certified before 2019, does not regulate regional utilization requirements.
The third is that power cannot be sold due to output suppression.
Suppressing solar power output is that the power generation system sold by a power company can stop the purchase of power or reduce the purchase volume.If the output is suppressed, no matter how much the solar power generation system generates power, the power sales will be reduced, so the selling income will be reduced.
The power company will adjust the power supply from solar power and suppress output to maintain the supply and demand balance of power.If the supply and demand balance is lost, stable power supply may be difficult, electric equipment upset or failure, and in the worst case, large power outages may occur.
Connection contracts with power companies cannot be refused because they are consent to control output.The rules for suppressing output vary depending on the power generation capacity of the target area (power company) and the solar power generation system, but the government will expand the target area nationwide in July 2020, and unify it into unlimited and non -compensation rules.Because it is shown, it is necessary to keep an eye on the national trends in the future.
The fourth is that if bad weather continues, the amount of power generation decreases and power sales income decreases accordingly.
The expected power generation is calculated, including the amount of power generation at night or during bad weather, so it is not usually extremely smaller than expected, but if it continues unexpectedly bad weather such as abnormal weather in recent years, it will be sold.Electric income may also be much lower than expected.
As a countermeasure, it is possible to install more solar panels to increase power generation efficiency, and to get insurance with special contract compensation.
The fifth is that devices and items of solar power system are stolen.
It is easy to aim for a wild solar power generation system, especially expensive and easy to carry copper cables, and reports of damage are coming one after another.Since the power of power is not possible while the equipment and goods are missing, the power sales income decreases, and the equipment, parts and construction costs required for resuming power generation must be added and expanded.Also, if the cable is disconnected, there is a risk that it will lead to a fire.
As a countermeasure, it is possible to enhance fences, install surveillance cameras, introduce remote monitoring systems, and take out non -life insurance.
The last sixth is that it causes damage due to natural disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes and lightning strikes.
Not only the equipment is damaged or failed due to disasters, etc., but the damaged solar panel is scattered, causing secondary damage to neighboring houses and passengers, causing criminal liability and civil liability.。Moreover, the manufacturer's warranty does not cover natural disasters.
As a countermeasure, it is possible to regularly check whether there is a loosening of the panel or the screws in the stand, whether there is no deformation or damage, and then take out non -life insurance.
Here, we will introduce the non -life insurance that covers economic losses in the unlikely event.There are the following types of non -life insurance.
保険の種類 | 補償の内容 | 保険料の目安 |
火災保険 | 火災等の災害による資産に対する損害を総合的に補償 | 1〜4万円/年 |
動産総合保険 | 動産に対する損害を補償 | 1〜4万円/年 |
賠償責任保険 | 発電設備の損壊・飛散により他者に被害を与えた際の損害を補償 | 1万円/年(周辺環境により異なる) |
休業補償保険 | 発電設備が稼働停止をしている期間の収入を補填 | 1万円/年 |
Of these, fire insurance and mobilization comprehensive insurance are very similar, so let's check the difference in the damage you cover in the following table.
保険の対象となる損害 | 火災保険 | 動産総合保険 |
地震・噴火、これらに起因する津波・火災 | × | × |
火災・落雷・爆発 | ○ | ○ |
水災 | ○ | × |
風災・雪災 | ○ | ○ |
電気的事故・機械的事故(ショート、アーク、スパーク、過電流、機械の内的要因による焼付けなど) | ○ | × |
盗難 | × | ○ |
不測かつ突発的な事故(飛来物等による破損・汚損) | × | ○ |
For damage that is not covered, it is necessary to join a special contract separately.
監修者:比連崎さん太陽光発電は長期間の運用となります。最初は手間ですが、各リスクに対する備えを立てた上で投資対象となるのかどうかを考えるようにしましょう。Even if there is such a risk, the advantage of investing in solar power is great.Here are three benefits of investing in solar power.
Solar power investment can be generated as long as the sunlight and solar power system are generated.And since the national FIT guarantees the unit price of power, you can earn stable income over 20 years.Unlike stock investment, it is not affected by economic and trends.
When you start investing solar power, you have to prepare a large initial cost.
However, solar power is a clean energy that can contribute to solving global environmental issues, so banks and shinkin banks have financing for solar power (solar loans), and the government's subsidy system and tax reduction system are also available.Is provided.Unlike stock investment, you do not need to prepare all investment funds yourself.
If you want to know more about the support system, please see the information on the following site.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Resources Energy Agency "Natoku! Various renewable energy support systems"
This article explains the latest subsidies for solar power and storage batteries.
【2021年版】太陽光発電と蓄電池の補助金最新情報|注意点も解説◆専門家監修記事太陽光発電と蓄電池を導入して、自宅の光熱費を節約したいと考えているけれど、導入するための費用が高額で躊躇している方もいるのではないのでしょうか。しかし太陽光発電と蓄電池を導入する際は、要件を満たすことで国や自治体から交付される補助金がありま power investment can be started without difficult professional knowledge.If you outsource it, there is no troublesome maintenance or any hassle.Unlike stock investment, you don't have to study know -how to make money or always check news, information magazines and sites.
監修者:比連崎さん太陽光発電への投資は、初期の設置とランニングコストさえきちんと把握しておけば、ある程度ほったらかしでも運用ができます。また今後人口減少と共に空き家なども増えてきますので安定した投資が期待できます。Despite the support of subsidies and loans, the initial investment of solar power requires a large amount of self -funds.Here are six tips so that investment does not fail.
The first is to use a real yield when simulating.
I often see "yield 10 %" in the property information, but usually it is a surface yield.As I mentioned earlier, the surface yield is mostly numerical values presented by vendors.If you take it for granted, you may not be able to make a profit more than you thought.
It is a real yield that can simulate actual profit and loss.Real yields are calculated, including annual running costs, such as maintenance and insurance.In addition, the sunshine hours vary depending on the season, and the amount of power generation changes accordingly.Simulate the difference in the amount of power generation for each season.
The second is to compare and examine multiple manufacturers and sales contractors.
In the case of solar power generation systems, the maintenance and guarantee range may vary depending on the manufacturer even if the performance is equal, and the price may fluctuate accordingly.Therefore, let's compare and examine not only the equipment fee but also the range and cost of aftercare.
Sales and contractors include a company that specializes in one manufacturer and a company that handles multiple manufacturers.The larger the number of manufacturers, the more likely they will propose products according to the desired conditions.
Also, when choosing a sales contractor, choose a place with abundant construction experience.Without the know -how of construction, not only increases the risk of leaks and wiring problems, but may not be able to repair properly.
This article, which introduces recommended solar power generations in a ranking format, is also recommended.
太陽光発電パネル企業おすすめ10社をランキング!選び方まで解説【専門家監修】太陽光発電を設置するなら、信頼できる企業の選定が重要です。本記事では、太陽光発電パネルで人気の高い、2022年最新のおすすめ企業をランキング形式で紹介します。選び方のポイントなどもわかりやすく解説するので、これからソーラーパネル導入を考える方はぜひ参考にしてください。news.mynavi.jp2021.08.31Third, we don't spare the cost and effort of maintenance.
Dirty or scratches on the solar panels will not be able to generate efficient power, which will reduce power sales income.In addition, the possibility of accidents such as damage to equipment and falling parts may occur due to loosening of the screws on the gantry.The maintenance of the industrial solar power system is obligatory by law.If you neglect maintenance, FIT certification may be canceled.
In this way, the maintenance of solar panels is obligatory, and it should be well aware that it is essential for continuing safe and efficient power generation, and sparse the cost and effort.
The fourth is to carefully select the selling destination after the purchase period of solar power generation (graduate FIT).
About six months before the graduation FIT, the power company will receive the expiration of the purchase period.If you do nothing at this time, it will be automatically updated at a new purchase price, and you will sell electricity to the same power company as before.
However, in addition to major power companies such as TEPCO and Kansai Electric Power, retail electricity operators called new electricity will buy electricity.Selling power to new electricity has the following advantages and disadvantages:There is a possibility that you can sell electricity under more advantageous conditions, so let's check the purchase price and conditions.
メリット | デメリット |
大手電力会社よりも有利な条件や料金で売電できる |
In the unlikely event that a new power that has signed a power sales contract has bankruptcy or canceled business, it is a rule that it can be changed to a major power company.
If you want to know the new electricity that can sell electricity, please see the information on the following site.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Resources Energy Agency "What do you do? Solar seller businesses"
The fifth is to consider investing in the secondary.
A solar power generation secondary is a solar power generation equipment that has already operated and has a track record of selling power.In addition to solar power generation facilities, individuals and companies that have only obtained the right to sell power and have not installed power generation facilities may be sold only for the right to sell power.
Solar power secondary has the following advantages and disadvantages:
メリット | デメリット |
When purchasing a solar power generation secondary, be sure to check the following three points.
The last sixth is to consider investing in solar power funds.
The solar power generation fund is a mechanism in which a company establishes a company for investment, recruits investors, and pays investors from profits.It can be said that it is an optical investment trust.
As mentioned above, solar power investment needed a large amount of self -funds for initial investment, which was a hurdle for starting solar power investment.However, solar power funds do not need to make capital investment and only invest in funds, so you can start investing casually.
For this reason, we recommend that you consider investing in solar power funds:
Compared to installing and operating a solar power generation system, solar power funds have the following advantages and disadvantages:
メリット | デメリット |
This article introduces recommended social lending services is also recommended.
ソーシャルレンディングのおすすめ10選!儲かるコツまで解説ソーシャルレンディングは少額から投資をしたい人に適したサービスです。2005年にイギリスで始まり、日本では2010年前後で登場しました。ソーシャルレンディングを扱う企業が複数の個人投資家から出資を得て投資先に貸付し、利息分を利益として個人投news.mynavi.jp監修者:比連崎さん失敗しないためにも、上記の6つのコツを理解し、自身の投資条件と照らし合わせてからメーカー比較や業者比較をするようにしましょう。Finally, here are two points you need to know before investing in solar power.
The first is that there are lands that are not suitable for solar power generation.
Please refer to what land is not suitable for solar power, and why you are preparing for the land.
避けるべき土地 | 理由 | 補足 |
水害・土砂災害が起こりやすい土地及び豪雪地帯 | – | |
海岸に近い土地 | 塩害により金属が腐食するリスクがある | |
周囲に日光を遮る樹木・建築物がある土地 | 日光の照射量が少なく発電量が伸びづらい | – |
地価が高い土地 | 収益率が低く投資に向かない | – |
The weather in the installation area can be confirmed from the following page of the Japan Meteorological Agency website.
This article is also recommended for those who want to know about the land trading trouble of solar power.
太陽光発電の土地売買トラブルはなぜ起きる?原因と回避方法を解説山地や林地の売却方法として、太陽光発電の用地として企業に売却するという方法があります。しかしそれにはトラブルの危険が伴います。本記事では、太陽光発電にかかわる土地売買に関してどのようなトラブルが発生するのか、その原因や回避方法を解説します。news.mynavi.jpSecond, if you are investing in solar power at home, there is a way to start for free.
This method is also a 0 -yen solar, installing and operating a solar power system owned by a trader at home, and the initial cost (equipment cost of solar power system, etc.) can be started at zero.The advantages and disadvantages are as follows:
メリット | デメリット |
There are three types of 0 yen solar:
種類 | PPA(電力販売契約) | リース | 屋根借り |
概要 | 発電された電気は業者が自宅所有者や電力会社に売電 | ||
住宅所有者が業者に対して月々支払う料金 | 使用した電気料金 | 太陽光発電システムのリース料 | – |
補足 | 一定の設置条件をクリアしないと申し込みができない | – |
If you want to know about 0 yen solar, please see the information on the next site.
Tokyo Global Warming Prevention Activity Promotion Center (Cool Net Tokyo) "Residential solar power generation initial cost zero promotion project"
監修者:比連崎さん発電条件のいい気候かどうか気象庁HPの過去のデータから知ることができます。日照時間などの平年値は必ず把握するようにしましょう。This time, we have explained whether solar power investment is really profitable.In conclusion, it is possible to make money with solar power investment as long as the conditions are met.
There are several risks in solar power investment, but if you can earn stable income for a long time, and use the loan (solar loan) and administrative subsidies, you need to prepare all investment funds yourself.There is an advantage that you can start without difficult professional knowledge.There is also a method of investing in solar power generation funds, even if you do not install and operate power generation equipment yourself.
Solar power investment is a recommended investment for beginners, because it can earn money while contributing to the spread of clean energy and solving global environmental issues, and does not require difficult knowledge.Why don't you take this opportunity to start considering solar power investment?
特に編集部がおすすめしたいサービスが「タイナビ」です。タイナビがおすすめな理由は大きく4点!公式サイトはこちら本記事の監修者比連崎 実/所有資格:気象予報士、防災士、太陽光発電アドバイザー大学院卒業後、システムエンジニアを経てマスコミ業界に勤務。約8年間、関東や東海、近畿地方のテレビ局で気象キャスターを経験。現在はWebマーケターとして、住宅会社を中心としたコンサル業務にあたる。Instagramを活用した集客を得意としており、「家を売るためのInstagramマーケティング」などのセミナーにも多数登壇。