Mobile displays are not only taken out and used on the go, but also used at home as a small and easy display.Recently, when telework has spread, it seems that many users are purchased on the premise of using it from the beginning.
If you do not take it out on the go and install it on your desk, it may be more convenient to attach it to the display arm.However, there is not a product that supports the VESA mount that can be attached to the display arm on a mobile display.
Such a mobile display that does not support VESA mount or 12.If you use an attachment that can be attached to a large tablet like a 9 -inch iPad Pro, the width of the installation will be greatly expanded.I actually tried the products sold by Suptek, so I would like to introduce it.
製品名は「無VESA穴アダプタ調節器」と記されている。型番は「WK002」。価格はAmazonで1,600円ほどスチール製の4本のアームと、その先端に取り付けるストッパー、さらに交換用のネジ各種が付属する。取説は日本語表記This product is an attachment to extend the VESA mount.By screwing the hole in the four corners of the 75mm or 100mm VESA mount, the four attachments are opened in the X -shaped from the front.
A stopper is attached to the tip of these four attachments, and by placing a mobile display or large tablet there, it is possible to attach it to the display arm even if it does not support the VESA mount.
まずはアタッチメントの先端にストッパーを取り付ける。ここのみプラスドライバーが必要ストッパーを取り付けた状態の4本のアタッチメント。これをVESAマウントにネジ止めする今回取り付けるエルゴトロン製のディスプレイアーム。VESAマウントは75mmと100mm、どちらにも対応する付属の六角レンチを用い、VESAマウント金具の四隅にある75mmと100mmの穴それぞれにネジ止めすることで、45度の角度で固定される仕組みだ正面から見た状態。同じ要領で四隅に計4本のアタッチメントを取り付けることで、X字の形状になる実際にモバイルディスプレイを装着した状態。上2つのアタッチメントについて、2本のネジのうち1本を外し、横から挟むように角度を変更している背面から見た状態。上2本のアタッチメントが水平になっているのが分かるThis product will be a narhod if you know the mechanism, but you need a little tips for how to use it.Because these four attachments have no adjustment mechanisms, in order to insert a shorter mobile display or large tablet than the X -shaped topic, change the attachment angle and adjust it to keep it properly.There is a need.
To do so, one of the two screws that fixed each attachment is removed, and the stability is low.If possible, I would like to fix the two attachments, and I would like to respond by changing the upper two angles, but when it comes to mobile displays and large tablets, it is quite small among the 13-27 type, which is the range of this product.Since the interval between attachments is often wider, this angle adjustment is indispensable.
For example, 15 I'm trying this time.In the case of a 6 -inch mobile display, it is clear that it is more stable to sandwich the top two attachments from the left and right, but it is so like that, but to hold it from above or hold it from the side, or the last two.Attachments have to change the angle or leave them in the same way, or you have to judge them individually.This is a little troublesome, and there is nothing that can be called the correct answer, so you will try and error.
アタッチメントは通常はネジ2本を使い、45度の角度になるよう固定されている角度を調整するためには2本のうち1本のネジを外すことになるが、そうなると安定性は低下するネジ2本で固定した状態の間隔は約30cm。モバイルディスプレイやタブレットの幅がこれより狭い場合、下2本のアタッチメントの間隔を狭めるために、ネジを外さざるを得ないAlso, about the thickness, 3.34-9.It is said to be corresponding in the range of 17cm, but these are compatible by replacing the screws that support the stopper from three different types of lengths.If you use a long screw, the surface will remain exposed, so you need to take some measures to prevent the device from being damaged.
On the other hand, if you try to sandwich a thick tablet, there is too much thickness in the thickness even if you use a short screw, and it is difficult to fitting.Although the minimum format is prepared to sell as a product, these gimmicks have an impression that they have not come out of their thoughts.
通常のストッパー。接触面にはゴムのシートが貼られているネジを交換することでさらに厚みのあるディスプレイも挟み込めるが、ネジが露出したままになる。かなり大雑把な印象だAlthough there is a lot of room for improvement, it is a very useful product for the purpose of fixing mobile displays and large tablets firmly.Like a tablet arm attached to the bedside, if you attach a tablet over 10 types, you may lose the weight and change the angle, but this product is a display arm in the first place, so there is no fear.
12.Large tablets such as 9 -inch iPad Pro are too large to be sandwiched between tablet arms and cannot be handled.When this is a mobile display, most are 13.3 to 15.Because it is 6 type, it can be said that it is more and more impossible.However, if you combine this attachment and the display arm, you can clear such problems without difficulty.
12.9インチiPad Proを取り付けた状態。保護ケースごと取り付けているのは、アタッチメントの間隔に対してボディのサイズが小さすぎるのと、厚みがあった方が安定するため背面から見た状態。上2本のアタッチメントを水平よりも下に持ってくるのは本来は望ましくないが、アタッチメントを短くするギミックはないため、このような形にならざるを得ない以上のように、安価なタブレットアームと、本格的なディスプレイアームの間を埋めてくれるこの製品、実売価格も1,600円と、コスパも悪くない。ざっと調べた限り、近いコンセプトの製品はいくつかあるが、その多くは17型以上の対応で、モバイルディスプレイや大型タブレットの「13 to 15.There are almost no products that support type 6, so it's a valuable product in that sense.
This time, it was introduced in a combination with the display arm, but it is considered that other VESA mount compatible products, specifically, mounts for wall mounting and tabletop stands can be combined.
If you want to use a mobile display or a large tablet in the air, but have never tried any solution in the past, why not consider it?