By last time, we had successfully completed the basic setup of using the Wi-Fi router at home. If they are serious readers, they can use the knowledge they have learned so far and make good use of the Internet.
ここまで連載をシッカリ読み込んでくれていれば、ちゃんとインターネットを活用することができているハズYes I'm Hartz. While he was writing this article, a family member said that sometimes he could not connect to the Internet.
At this time, even if you observe the Internet connection on the PC, even if you confirm that the lights of the router are on, there is no special change as usual, and you can access the setting screen of the router without any problem. Just in case, after rebooting the router, reconfirm that the router LED is lit properly. After that, there are no special problems that can be connected to the network. But, if you think about it later, this is a sign of trouble.
Although the timing is too good, but in the case of the failure of the Internet connection, based on this failure, several reports on how to deal with it.
1) when the router is able to access the setting screen of the router or the failure of abnormal line connection, the router usually leads to poor connection for some reason. The first thing to do is to confirm that you can access the settings screen of the router used in the home line connection. Then confirm that the line is connected properly.
Of course, it can also be judged by the lighting of the router lights, but the setting screen is easier to understand. At this point, if the setting screen is accessed in the browser and [* 1] is displayed correctly, the router is running for the time being, regardless of whether it is normal or not.
[* 1]. To access the router's settings screen in a browser, enter the "IP address" represented by four digital blocks in the address bar, such as "192.168.XXX.1". A more detailed method is: "17th time: if you forget the'IP address'of the Wi-Fi router? "but I'm introducing it. I hope you can refer to it.
ブラウザ-でルーターの設定画面にアクセスすると表示されるログイン画面に、ユーザー名とパスワードを入力2) in the modems and routers that check the status screen of the equipment, they are generally prepared to display the current status as a display screen, which is often written as "system status" and so on. On this screen, you can tell whether the Wi-Fi is on properly and what is the condition of the Internet line. If you can confirm these conditions on the status screen, you will be relieved first. If you do not have access to the router's settings screen, you can determine if the router is damaged or if there is a failure in the Wi-Fi section [* 2].
[* 2]. To confirm whether the Wi-Fi is malfunctioning, just check on the smartphone and other settings screen to see if the Wi-Fi can be connected. If the connection is disconnected and the SSID is no longer displayed, it is a Wi-Fi failure.
このルーターの管理画面では、WANの「リンク状態」を確認すれば、インターネット回線へ正常に接続されているかがわかる3) turn off the power on the router, if you cannot access the settings screen, if the router does not respond, try to restart the router. The router has many products that omit the power switch, so in this case, unplug the power cord from the AC adapter and turn it off. Wait a minute or so, plug in the power cord and turn it on. It takes a few minutes from booting to connecting to the Internet line, so after a while, confirm that the router's management screen is logged in and that it is properly connected to the Internet line.
If it is a minor problem, it is usually solved by restarting the router. Sometimes the firmware of the router is updated automatically, but after that, somewhere in the series of operations from booting to connecting to the Internet line may not be good. If it is such a failure, it will often be removed because of the restart of the router. In addition, after a line is cut off in the construction of a nearby line, sometimes the operation of automatic connection again is not smooth.
4) the response of the device is to check the action of the router by logging in to the settings screen checked with the "Ping" command, but in order to more easily determine whether the device on the network is running, you can use the "Ping" command. There are also applications for mobile phones. Try to use them. The Ping command can also be used in the "Fing" of the application that is often used in this series. In Fing, because the devices identified in the network are listed, select the devices to check and click the "Ping" icon.
If it is Windows, then only need to PowerShell (or command prompt), macOS on the terminal, enter "ping (IP address)" to execute. Then, the response time is displayed. If "lost (packet lost) = 0", then the operation does not respond, and if "lost = 100", it does not work. Even for smartphone apps other than Fing, entering the IP address of the device, such as clicking the [Start] button, should display the results of the communication.
Fingの[デバイス]タブには、ネットワーク内の機器がリストアップされる。なお、新規にスキャンしなければ、過去にスキャンした結果が表示される。ここで薄く表示された機器は、未接続の可能性が高いチェックしたいデバイスを選び、[Ping]ボタンをタップ対象の機器が動作していれば、このように反応がある動作していない機器の場合、このようにパケットロスが100%になるIn this way, if you use the Ping command, it helps to determine whether devices such as Wi-Fi access points, routers, modems, and so on are working in the early stages of the failure.
But this alone did not end the trouble this time. Troubleshooting will continue next time.