Gamer's ally!Let's play the game with "Public Wireless LAN" (Part 1)

Gamer's ally!Let's play the game with "Public Wireless LAN" (Part 1)

Public wireless LAN provided by mobile carriers, Softbank, and au can be used for free if you have a contracted terminal with each line.The terminal of these carriers uses a SIM card called "EAP-SIM method", and can be connected automatically without any special settings for recent models.However, since only the contracted mobile terminal can be used, it is necessary to join an option plan for 300 yen to 500 yen per month to connect a PC or portable game machine.

ゲーマーの味方! 「公衆無線LAN」でゲームを遊ぼう(前編)

docomo Wi-Fi0001docomo特定の条件を満たした場合無料
au Wi-Fi SPOTau_Wi-Fi特定の利用条件を満たしていること
Wi2 300 for auマルチデバイスサービスWi2、Wi2_club、Wi2_free、wifi_square、Wi2premium、Wi2premium_club、0000Wi2月額300円(無料プランあり)auの特定のサービスに加入している人
docomo Wi-Fi 月額300円プラン0000docomo月額300円(税別)ドコモの携帯回線を契約している人

For those who mainly use a PC or have not contracted with a major carrier, dedicated public wireless, such as "Wi2 300" provided by Wire and Wireless Co., Ltd. and DoCoMo's "Docomo Wi-for Visitors".There is also a LAN service.

These plans can be used not only on a monthly fee, but also for a prepaid system that is separated by time and date, so it is easy to use even for those who do not usually use Wi-Fi.After clearing applications and authentications with carrier data communication, the work of eating capacity can be connected to public wireless LAN, which is a particularly good service for travel destinations.

SoftBank's "Yahoo! BB for Mobile" is an access point that can be used for free if you join a specific provider.There are many opportunities to see "MobilePoint" access points on McDonald's and Shinkansen nationwide.

docomo Wi-Fi for visitorsdocomo-visitors1日396円(税込)、1週間990円(税込)、3週間1,430円(税込)なし
Yahoo! BB for Mobilemobilepoint、mobilepoint1、mobilepoint2無料対応するプロバイダへの加入