Ueno -san's family is Akira, an engineer, and a family of four, Mie, who writes, and a sixth grader and a second -year boy.Both couples are mainly working at home, and we use PCs in each room.
Mie mainly uses desktop PCs, and Akira has two monitors to a notebook PC, so most of her work is in her room.
It is said that two elementary school children play games using a desktop PC in the children's room and study on a tablet PC provided by schools.
In the situation where each of the PCs is using a different PC, Mie thought, "I want a shared PC that can be used in the living room so that the whole family can enjoy movies and dramas!"The condition is that "thin and compact ones are good."
"DVD drive is a little worried because the mechanism is complicated and the child may be destroyed. Recently, I think that it is almost unnecessary to watch movies on demand on demand.There is no numeric keypad on the tablet PC, so I want you to get used to the number keys, etc. without a numeric keypad. "
Let's use Surface Laptop 4 right away.The second son of a second -year elementary school student who is excited about "thin!"Because it is a discs, the thinness is less than 15mm.Lightweight as 1.5kg and easy to carry.
Mie "The living room has no space to keep the PC left, so I want to clean it up every time I use it. It's thin and light, so I don't have to hate to ask my child to clean up!"
"Surface Laptop 4 has no numeric keypad, and it's the same as a keyboard array used by children. I hope you practice more and more at home," says Mie.
In addition, you want to remember not only the numbers but also the array of the QWERTY key.The second son wanted to type lightly with both hands like a mom, and worked hard and practiced.
The login is smooth if you have a Microsoft account.
Mie "I can register my child's address as a" family "from my account, so it's easy to manage and thank you. Once you sign in with a password, it's very easy to set up Windows Hello face authentication.It was done. It was convenient because it was easy to sign in from next time. "
As the word implies, the eldest son is surprisingly smooth and smooth, saying, "Well, have you put it in?"Because your account is different, you don't have to worry about children touch important files and emails.With password authentication, switching the account was troublesome, and sometimes the child uses it with an adult account.However, with face authentication, switching is not troublesome.
Akira -san was able to log in and set up immediately with the Microsoft account that he originally had."Because I log in to various services with a browser, I can sign in separately because I can do it separately."Also, for Akira who tends to forget the password, Windows Hello face authentication seems to be very grateful.
Surface Laptop 4 has a battery drive time of 16.5 hours, which can be used all day without charging if it is in normal use.If you charge it at night, don't worry about the use during the day.
Mie "If the cable is crawling, it looks bad and I don't want to use it.. I watched a movie with my child for a long time, but it still seemed to be usable. "
Furthermore, the Surface Laptop 4 display is a 3: 2 ratio, not a general 16: 9 wide.In other words, the vertical width is wide.
"I feel big for 15 inches," Akira says.I usually use a PC on the wide screen at work, but I was dissatisfied with the fact that it would be better if it was more vertical."Surface Laptop 4 has a high list, so it is easy to see sites with a lot of information like news sites. It looks good when you take a break and collect information."rice field.
Surface Laptop 4 also features an Omnisonic speaker equipped with Dolby Atmos.Dolby ATMOS is an audio format that is also used in movie theaters, and you can enjoy a sense of realism.
Of course, even in general use, it can fully demonstrate high performance.This time, I was experienced by watching online conferences and video content that increased due to corona evil.
Akira "At the online meeting, I felt that the other person's voice was clearer than the PC I always use. YouTube and Netflix were also seen thanks to the powerful sounds. Children are always videos on smartphones.I'm looking at, but I would like to use Surface Laptop 4. "
When a shared PC is introduced in the living room, Mie says, "It will be easier for families to participate in online events.""Until now, when I wanted to participate in an online event with my child, I used to use a smartphone. But I was so small that I couldn't enjoy it.Even so, I can't concentrate on the email or chat .... If I can participate in the laptop of the shared space, I will enjoy it without extra care. "
When talking online or participating in events, the size of the screen, as well as speakers, microphones, and camera performance are important.There is nothing better than the sound and video.
It is also the charm of Surface Laptop 4 that is equipped with a touch screen.Especially for children who are unfamiliar with keyboards, touchpads, and mouse operations, it seems to be a thankful factor that can be used intuitively.
"I am grateful for the children to touch the display and move it," said Mie.
Mie "Also, it was convenient to be able to use a pen! The second son who likes drawing changed the color of the pen and graffiti freely. The eldest son wrote the name of the town based on the map., I played by dividing it by blocks. It is easy to draw because it does not erroneously even if the hand touches the screen. I also want to use illustraphs at work, so I wanted to use it.
"I hope it is hard to get dirty," says Mie.When he was using a shiny painted PC made of resin, he didn't want to see his fingerprints sticky.
Surface Laptop 4 has a matte texture using metal material.Even if you touch it when you carry it, it will not give a dirty impression, so if you clean it frequently, you can use it comfortably and use it comfortably.
Akira "If it's a shared PC, you'll have more opportunities to carry it and use it with multiple people.
Surface Laptop 4をたっぷりと使ってくれた上野さん一家。アキラさんとミエさんが特に魅力的だと感じた点を伺いました。
Akira "I think it would be good to be able to use it intuitively because it could be operated with touch and pen. I used it in a short time, so I wouldn't use it as an adult.Is it? I felt it was a PC that could improve the creativity of children. I also want to use it positively when doing a little research. "
Mie "I like the speed of the boot! I can sign in immediately with Windows Hello face authentication, so there is little stress. Because it is thin and thin, the place to go is to save space. Just a family.I thought it was perfect for using it as a shared PC. "
注目の機能が満載で、リビングの共有ノートPCとしてもぴったりのSurface Laptop 4。PCの購入を検討しているけれど、どの製品が良いのか悩んでいる。そんなご家族にこそ、ぜひ選択肢の一つに入れてほしい製品です。
Click here for details about Surface Laptop 4
シナリオ | 向上したパワー、スピード、サウンドにより卓越した毎日の生産性を実現する次世代デザイン、Microsoft Teams、ビデオ通話、Microsoft Office、音楽とショーのストリーミング、ショッピング、ブラウジング |
本体サイズ | Surface Laptop 4 15 インチ: 339.5 mm x 244 mm x 14.7 mm |
ディスプレイ | Surface Laptop 415 インチ:Screen: 15 インチ PixelSense ディスプレイ解像度: 2496 x 1664 (201 PPI)縦横比:3:2Surface ペン 対応タッチ: 10 ポイント マルチタッチ |
メモリ | Surface Laptop 415 インチ:8GB, 16GB または 32GB LPDDR4x RAM注: AMD Ryzen Microsoft Surface エディション プロセッサの場合、すべての仕様で利用できるわけではありません。 |
プロセッサ | Surface Laptop 4 15 インチ:クアッドコア第 11 世代 Intel Core i7-1185G7 プロセッサRadeon グラフィックス Microsoft Surface エディション (8 コア) 搭載AMD Ryzen 7 4980U モバイル プロセッサ |
バッテリー駆動時間 | AMD Ryzen Microsoft Surface エディション プロセッサを搭載した 15 インチの Surface Laptop 4: 通常のデバイス使用環境で最大 17.5 時間 のバッテリー駆動時間を実現Surface Laptop 4 15 インチ、Intel Core プロセッサ搭載: 通常のデバイス使用環境で最大 16.5 時間 のバッテリー駆動時間を実現 |
バッテリー容量 | 公称バッテリー容量 (WH) 47.4最小バッテリー容量 (WH) 45.8 |
グラフィックス | Surface Laptop 4、クアッド コア第 11 世代 Intel Core: Intel Iris X グラフィックスAMD Ryzen Microsoft Surface エディションを搭載した Surface Laptop 4: AMD Radeon グラフィックス |
ストレージ | 取り外し可能なソリッド ステート ドライブ (SSD) のオプション: 256 GB、512 GB、 または 1 TB注: AMD Ryzen Microsoft Surface エディション プロセッサの場合、すべての構成が利用できるわけではありません。 |
外部端子 | USB-C x 1、USB-A x 1、3.5 mm ヘッドフォン ジャック、Surface Connect ポート x 1 |
セキュリティ | エンタープライズ クラスのセキュリティと BitLocker サポート用の TPM 2.0 チップWindows Hello 顔認証サインインによるエンタープライズ クラスのセキュリティ |
カメラ、ビデオ、およびオーディオ | Windows Hello 顔認証によるサインイン用カメラ (前面)720p HD f2.0 カメラ (前面)Dual far-field スタジオ マイクDolby Atmos 搭載 Omnisonic スピーカー |
ソフトウェア | Windows 10 Home 20H2Office Home & Business 2019 |
ワイヤレス機能 | Surface Laptop 4 15 インチ: Wi-Fi 6: 802.11ax の互換性Bluetooth ワイヤレス 5.0 テクノロジ |
センサー | 光センサー |
外観 | ケース: アルミニウムキーボード上の電源および音量ボタンSurface Laptop 4 15 インチ モデルの本体カラー:メタルパームレスト付きプラチナメタルパームレスト付きマットブラック |
主な同梱物 | Surface Laptop 415 インチ電源アダプタークイック スタート ガイド安全性および保証に関する書類 |
保証 | 1 年間の製品保証 |
重量 | Surface Laptop 4 13.5 インチ、Alcantara 素材のプラチナとアイス ブルー 1,265 g (2.79 ポンド)Surface Laptop 4 13.5 インチ、メタル仕上げのマットブラックとサンドストーン: 1,288 g (2.84 ポンド)Surface Laptop 4 15 インチ、メタル仕上げのプラチナとマットブラック: 1,542 g (3.40 ポンド) |
最高品質のMicrosoft Store からのサポート | 60 日間の返品ポリシー90 日間の電話での無料テクニカル サポート |
キーボード レイアウト | アクティベーション: キーの移動配列: 日本語配列、フル ファンクション キー (F1 ~ F12)Windows キー、メディア コントロールと画面の明るさ調整の各専用ボタンバックライト |
カラー | プラチナ、マットブラック |
Surface Laptop 4 Click here for details on platinum
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[PR] Provided: Japan Microsoft Co., Ltd.