BMW, the grilled grill Why does it attract people? The British editorial department is doubtful

BMW, the grilled grill Why does it attract people? The British editorial department is doubtful

Released: 2019.06.10 11:30

When I first saw BMW's new X7 and 7 series, many people should have thought."The grill is big."Why did this happen?Matt Pliers, the comprehensive editor -in -chief of the British version of AutoCar, will consider it.


-When the shocking new BMW front grille, why did the grill grow?-Do the "challenging design" attracts you?-The grill enlargement is only one reason

A shocking new BMW front grill

Let's send the news this week, "What were they thinking?"Provided is BMW.The writing is Matt Pliers, the editor -in -chief of the British version of Autocar.

 BMW、グリルの大型化なぜ ひとを惹きつけるか? 英国編集部は疑問視

Yesterday, I saw a photo of the new BMW X7 taken by a colleague.Soon, on the street, it passed the new 7 series.

The professional photographer who took the photo managed to set the appropriate lighting from the optimal angle to minimize the impact and fear of the person who saw this new model and from the optimal angle).I discovered that) and tried to put it in the lens.

Yes, the problem is a huge front grill that BMW seems to be particular about it recently.

I've always been thinking about the best words that express what I felt when I saw this.At the moment, the only thing I came up with was "horrible", but was that the BMW development theme?

When I saw the nose of the new X7 and 7 series, I frowned unintentionally.It was the same as when I saw a video of an accident that happened in sports repeatedly aired.

Indeed, there is only a car that looks painful.



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