The MMD Research Institute has conducted a "Survey on smartphones and customer support" in collaboration with ServiceNow JAPAN Joint Company (Headquarters: Minato -ku, Tokyo, President of Executive Officer: James McRidi, ServiceNow Japan).According to the preliminary survey, 7,000 men and women between the ages of 18 and 69, and 5,000 smartphone users contracted with the correspondence carrier in this survey from February 9, 2022 to February 14, 2022.A survey on customer support was conducted.
■ The place where the contract procedure for the smartphone communication line (communication plan) currently used mainly is 48.1 %, "online" 27.4 % ■ The satisfaction of the store contract procedure is "the attitude of the staff", the dissatisfaction point is "time takes time for the procedure" is "time takes the procedure", and the dissatisfaction is "explanation (described).Easy "■" Store "that you have used when you have any problems with smartphone contract procedures or terminals, etc..5 %, "online window" 17.4 %, "Telephone window" 14.5 % ■ When I was in trouble, such as a smartphone contract procedure or a terminal, I went to the current store because I thought the store was safe.Reasons for calling the Customer Support Center, a communication carrier currently being used, "I wanted to talk directly", "I wanted to check it" "I wanted to know the information immediately" ■ I am currently using it.Reasons for using the online customer support center (chat, email) of the communication carrier "I thought it could be solved online" "I went to the store, I had no time to call", "Because it was easy to find an inquiry" ■ Customers of communication carriersWhat you expect from the window and the customer support center, what you want to improve stores: Less waiting time, easier to understand, shortening the solution time telephone window: It will be easier to connect to the phone, waiting time.Less, shortening the solution time online window: Solution time is shortened, waiting time is reduced, accurate answer is obtained.
PDFs provide materials that show out the outline of the survey and survey items.Please download from the following.
データをダウンロードするWhen asked about 7,000 men and women aged 18 to 69 years old (multiple answers possible), "smartphone (contract with communication carrier)" is 87..2 %, "optical line" 38.7 %, "Home Router" 8.It was 5 %.When asked about 6,106 people who contract with a telecommunications carrier and use smartphones, they asked for a contract procedure for the smartphone communication line (communication plan) currently used mainly."Customer service)" 48.The most is 1 %, followed by 27 online shops (Internet).4 %, 13 "stores (consumer electronics retailers and other stores face -to -face customer service)".It was 3 %.
Next, when I asked the person who went to the smartphone contract procedure by "store" and "online", the store contractor (n = 3,751) had 36 "because I wanted to hear the explanation directly"..The largest is 5%, followed by "because I actually wanted to see the terminal".0 %, 26 "if you want to consult or ask questions".It was 5 %.38 online contractors (n = 1,676) "because they can be done online without any problems".The most is 1 %, followed by "because you can always complete the procedure".6%, "Because you can proceed in a shorter time than a store".It became 4%.
We asked 3,751 people who made a smartphone contract procedure at the store, and asked if they were satisfied and dissatisfied with the contract procedure performed at the store.The answer "I was satisfied" 72.6 %, "especially not" 27.When I heard that I was satisfied (n = 2,722) that I was satisfied with 4 % (N = 2,722) (more than multiple answers), the "staff attitude" is 51..The largest is 7 %, followed by "easy -to -understand" 49.0 %, "Staff knowledge and understanding" 46.It was 5 %.The answer "I was dissatisfied" 44.3 %, "especially not" 55.When I heard that I was dissatisfied (n = 1,660) that I was dissatisfied with 7 % (N = 1,660) (multiple answers possible), "time takes the procedure" is 58..The largest is 3 %, followed by "waiting time at the store" 44.6 %, "Options proposal, solicitation" 20.It was 5 %.
Next, we asked 1,676 people who made a contract procedure online, and asked if they were satisfied with the contract procedure at the store and were dissatisfied.The answer "I was satisfied" was 62.6 %, "especially not" 37.When I heard that I was satisfied (n = 1,050), I was satisfied (multiple answers possible), and the "time took time for the procedure" is 58..The largest is 9 %, followed by 52 "freedom of time possible".1 %, "Understanding of the procedure flow" is 40.It was 6 %.The answer "I was dissatisfied" 24.5 %, "especially not" 75.When I heard that I was dissatisfied with the person who was dissatisfied with 5 % (N = 411) (multiple answers possible), the "explanation (description)" 36.The largest is 0 %, followed by 29 "easy -to -understand sense of procedures".7 %, "Explanation on Campaigns and Plan" 22.It became 1 %.
I heard that 5,000 smartphone users contracted with a telecommunications carrier from the preliminary survey were extracted, and I heard that they have used the currently used communication carrier, customer consultation desks, customer support centers, etc. (multiple answers (multiple answers))N possible), "store" is 40.The largest is 5 %, followed by 17 "online window".4 %, "Telephone window" 14.It was 5 %.
For 2,027 people who responded that they have used stores such as the telecommunications carrier, customer consultation desks, and customer support centers currently used, they are using smartphone contract procedures and terminals.When I asked why I went to a telecommunications carrier store (multiple answers possible), "I thought the store was safe" 31.The largest is 8 %, followed by "Because there were multiple things to check".3 %, "I wanted to hear the explanation that suits me more" 22.It was 7 %.
Next, I asked if I was satisfied and dissatisfied when I went to a telecommunications carrier store due to my smartphone contract procedure and terminals.65 answers "I was satisfied".3 %, 34.When I heard that I was satisfied (n = 1,324) that I was satisfied (N = 1,324), I heard that I was satisfied (multiple answers are possible), and the "easy -to -understand explanation of what I want to hear" is 56..The largest is 8 %, followed by the "attitude of the person in charge" 54.6 %, "Knowledge and understanding of the person in charge" 50.It was 3 %.「不満だった」という回答が36.6 %, "especially not" 63.When I heard that I was dissatisfied with 4 % (n = 741), I was dissatisfied (multiple answers possible), "waiting time until the start of response" is 57..The largest is 6 %, followed by "time until the solution".9 %, "Understanding explanation for what you want to hear" is 22.It was 5 %.
For 723 people who answered that they had called the customer support center for smartphone contract procedures and terminals, etc., the customer's smartphone smartphone contract procedure and terminals used, and in trouble with terminals, etc.When I asked why I called (multiple answers possible), "I wanted to talk directly" 28.The most is 2 %, followed by 27 because "there were multiple things to check"..0 %, 26 "I wanted to know the information immediately".It became 4 %.
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Next, I asked if I was satisfied and dissatisfied when I called the Customer Support Center for my smartphone contract procedures and terminals.The answer "I was satisfied" 70.4 %, "especially not" 29.When I heard that I was satisfied (n = 509) that I was satisfied with 6 % (N = 509) (multiple answers are possible), "Easy -to -understand explanation of what I want to hear" and "attitude of the person in charge".The largest is 2 %, followed by 51 "knowledge and understanding of the person in charge".It became 1 %.「不満だった」という回答が50.8%, "especially not" 49.When I heard that I was dissatisfied with 2 % (N = 367), I was dissatisfied (multiple answers possible), and "Easy to connect with the person in charge".The largest is 4 %, followed by the "time to solve" 40.6 %, "Understanding of the inquiry" 25.It was 6 %.
For 871 people who answered that they had been chatting and emailing the customer support center due to problems such as smartphone contract procedures and terminals, online window (chatting center (chat chat) (chatting center (chat))When I asked the reason for using the email) (multiple answers possible), "I thought it could be solved online" 39..The largest is 2 %, followed by "because I have no time to go to the store, I have no time to call"..7 %, "Because it was easy to find the inquiry".It was 5 %.
* Click the image to display the enlarged image.
Next, I asked if I was satisfied and dissatisfied with chatting and emailing the customer support center for my smartphone contract procedures and terminals.The answer "I was satisfied" was 58.9 %, "especially not" 41.When I heard that I was satisfied (n = 513) that I was satisfied with 1 % (N = 513) (multiple answers possible), "the appropriate response to what I want to hear" is 39..The largest is 4 %, followed by "time until the solution".6 %, "attitude of the person in charge" 35.It became 9 %.The answer "I was dissatisfied" 41.2 %, "especially not" 58.When I heard that I was dissatisfied with the person who was dissatisfied with 8 % (N = 359) (multiple answers possible), the "time to solve" is 40..The largest is 9 %, followed by "ease of connection with the person in charge"..4 %, 29 "appropriate response to what you want to hear".It became 8 %.
According to the store user (n = 2,027), for the customer's window of the communication carrier and the customer support center users, the customer window and the customer support center of the telecommunications carrier and what to improve."Waiting time is reduced" 32.The largest is 1 %, followed by "the explanation is easier to understand" 23.6 %, "Solution time is shortened" 22.It was 5 %.電話窓口利用者(n=723)では、「電話が繋がりやすくなること」が47.The largest is 0 %, followed by "less waiting time".9 %, "Solution time is shortened" 26.It became 4 %.オンライン窓口利用者(n=871)では、「解決時間が短くなること」が23.The largest is 1 %, followed by "less waiting time" 21.5 %, "being able to get a highly accurate answer" 21.It became 4 %.
* Since this survey report is described by exclusively exclusive of any digit or less, an error may occur when the loading is calculated.* You can check the response of the respondents from the free report after registering as a member.
PDFs provide materials that show out the outline of the survey and survey items.Please download from the following.
データをダウンロードするSales Products: Awareness Survey on smartphone contracts and customer support Delivery format: GT table, investigation form, low data (Excel) Sales amount: 150,000 yen + consumption tax 15,000 yen How to get online payment / bank transfer (designated accounts)
"Survey on smartphone contracts and customer support" Survey period: February 9 to February 14, 2022 Effective response: 7,000 preliminary surveys, 5,000 survey methods: Internet survey target:
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