Until the last time, I explained how to keep the firmware of the Wi-Fi router up to date.Check this regularly to avoid security risks.This time, I would like to continue reviewing the time settings.It seems that the time is probably a good time, but the exact time is an important step in the Wi-Fi router security measures.
In the time of the Wi-Fi router, a mechanism called NTP (Network Time Protocol) is used.The same is true for smartphones and PC time.This matches the time by regularly accessing the NTP server placed on the Internet.Of course, the time of the NTP server is accurate.The Wi-Fi router sets the address and automatic update of the server at the access destination as an NTP client.
In principle, the NTP server specifies the closest thing on the Internet and accesses regularly with less loads.Selecting a server that is as close as possible is that there is a network load, but the less delay can be accurate time. [*1]
For example, a provider connected by a home Wi-Fi router often publishes an NTP server (usually provider NTP servers can only be accessed by connected users).First, look for the NTP server of the connected provider.
If the server is not provided by the provider you are using, we recommend using the following two open NTP servers.
[*1] …… In the actual time, the delay of the network is also considered, and it is devised to be as accurate as possible.
[*2] …… It is thought that NTP servers will be installed in the Japan Internet Exchange where many providers are connected to reduce delays.
The frequency of access is enough for home use once a day.I want to make it accurate, so do not set up more than one or more per hour to the server side, so do not set it.It's not just you use a public NTP server, so please be careful not to get too much access.
The reason why the time of the Wi-Fi router needs to be accurately adjusted is to keep various logs accurately.For example, if you set an automatic update even in the previous update, it is safer to record the update time accurately.The accuracy of the second basis is required on the network.In addition, the time is also important when using a timer using a timer or a control using timers such as connection / cutting.
By the way, if it operates in the bridge mode instead of the router mode, some models will not be able to set the time.In this case, the time setting is not required.
バッファロー製品での設定例。ブラウザーの設定画面の[詳細設定]から、[管理]の[システム設定]と進む[NTP機能]にチェックマークが入っていることを確認。[サーバー名]に利用するNTPサーバーのアドレスを記入する。初期値でインターネットマルチフィードの「ntp.jst.mfeed.ad.jp」が入っていたTP-Link製品の例。Tetherアプリでは設定できない項目なので、ブラウザーで設定画面にアクセスする。[詳細設定]タブを表示させ、[システムツール]の[時刻設定]で[NTPサーバーI]にIPアドレスの数値で記入する[*3]。数値での記入がよくわからない場合、[PCから取得]でアクセス中の端末時刻に合わせておこう[*3]… To know the IP address from the URL, open the terminal (Windows Power Shell) such as Windows and MacOS, and "NSLOOKUP NTP).NICT.Determine JP (put in the URL you want to check).