A theater room that takes advantage of the size of a 3-row minivan!  ~ Audio Custom Edition ~ 28 years after its birth, the genuine proposal brand "News" and the custom history are played back [NEW'S HISTORY]

A theater room that takes advantage of the size of a 3-row minivan! ~ Audio Custom Edition ~ 28 years after its birth, the genuine proposal brand "News" and the custom history are played back [NEW'S HISTORY]

Multi-monitor, 5.1ch, limousine theater, audio + α custom that fascinates the visuals

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3列ミニバンならではの広さを活かしたシアタールーム化も! 〜オーディオカスタム編〜 誕生から28年、生粋の提案型ブランド「ニューズ」とカスタムの歩みをプレイバック【NEW’S HISTORY 】

The foresight of the news is not limited to large diameter wheels. Today's strong tag with Alpine has a lot to do with the history of audio customs that News has cultivated. It was around 2000 that DVDs attracted attention as in-vehicle audio. News as a pro shop was strong in audio customs in the first place, but it gained momentum with the addition of visual elements to car audio. That is the limousine specification that builds a 5.1ch theater system, multi-monitors that install many monitors, and makes the rear seats a theater room. When the lineup of domestic visual products was still scarce, News acquired the US model of Alpine and put it in the demo car. He began to propose to enjoy and fascinate the visuals in the car. In 2001, a high-end series called F # 1 status (F number one status) appeared from Alpine. At that time, we had a lineup of DVD players, high-spec power amplifiers, and speakers that cost more than 200,000 yen. In response to this, at News, demo cars and user cars with high sound quality and high visual quality unified with Alpine products were made one after another, and the magazines and event scenes were crowded. News' audio custom is also attractive because of its attractive power. Many people were attracted not only by installing the audio, but also by creating a theater room that took advantage of the total coordination that included the replacement of seats and interiors and the size of a three-row minivan.

Remove the second seat and make it a limousine! 9 monitors & 5.1CH spectacular theater

A 5.1ch limousine specification that removes the second row and allows you to enjoy visuals in a spacious space based on the Step WGN. The Alpine unit is mainly built, and the power amplifier and subwoofer are installed one-off. It also matches the interior with a soft beige color.

  • The planned car for the Stawago series was also full alpine!

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  • [Style Wagon Dressup Navi Editorial Department]


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