LED lights attached to the top of a laptop are useful when writing a notebook in front of the keyboard or working on a computer for just a few minutes in a dark room.With this, the keyboard and hand can be illuminated with pinpoints, which is useful.
Many these LED lights have been released, and many hits on Amazon.However, most of them are the same shaped product that the manufacturer is commonly seen.Therefore, the type is not very abundant, but the acquisition is high.This time, I purchased the products I saw and tried.
This time I purchased a type of about 26 cm, assuming use on a laptop computer.The horizontal bar has a built -in LED light, and it is lit by power supply from a USB port of a personal computer.
製品本体。ノートパソコンにUSBで接続し、給電を行う仕組み幅は実測で約26cm。ノートパソコン用のサイズだクリップを使ってノートパソコンの上部に装着する。厚みは10mmまで対応する持ち歩き用のポーチが付属。このほか日本語の取説も付属するThe brightness can be adjusted in 10 stages, and can be switched between daylight, light bulb, and lunch white.All operations are performed using the remote control provided in the middle of the cable.
When attached to the top of the laptop, it looks slightly from the display.The irradiation angle can be adjusted in the range of 90 degrees, but only the keyboard or the hand is illuminated, or it is actually two choices.In any case, the light of the LED does not jump into the eyes directly, and it fulfills the purpose of illuminating the hand.
One thing to keep in mind when using it is that you can't close your laptop if you wear this product.It is easy to put on and take off because it is just sandwiched between the screen, but the frequent frequency is still annoying.For those who often use laptops out, stand -type light may be easier.
In addition, the neck tends to cover the web camera due to the structure that sandwiches the area near the center of the screen by clip.It will be installed on either the left or right, but this is not very good.I want the product to respond to this much.
ノートパソコン上にクリップで挟む。Webカメラに干渉しがちなのがややネックオンにした状態。バックライトのないキーボードでの作業に便利だ背後から見た状態。取り付けの構造は至ってシンプルであることが分かる横から見たところ。画面よりもやや前方にせり出す格好になる角度を最大限まで下げるとキーボードだけを照らすことができる角度を最大限まで上げると手元まで照らせる2種類のLEDで3色を作り出すことができる。これは昼光色いわゆる電球色にすることも可能。通常はこの中間にあたる昼白色での利用となる電源オン、色調整、明るさ調整(10段階)はUSBケーブルの中間にあるリモコンで行うThe overall making is cheap and there is no luxury, but the functions are available, and there is no uneven LED light.It was a product I bought without much expectation, but it is a good point.If you want to do some work at the hand of a laptop computer, or if the keyboard of the laptop does not have a backlight and it is difficult to work in a dark place, I would recommend it as a convenient item.
製品名 | 発売元 | 実売価格 |
モニター掛け式ライト | BEGALO | 3480円 |